Show PRETTY AVED DINi nuptial ol of 1 I thul d laiti abtil i ran I 1 t n i le milled 4 A pretty home wedding was solem ruled last evening at the home of 0 sirs mrs y t N dans when miss fairy D buivis tris and arthur r P gentri bere iere married the ceremony vas BIS performed by prot prof 13 b a cousin of the bride pt iba rooms were prettily decorated with pink rages and farns orns the bride wore a dainty gown of white silk stid earned valte carnation sheds ads s attended by miss minnie ray lay aho wore ore a gown of aile green aind curried pink carnations presley I 1 onto guio acted as best man the music of the evening was furnished by aiss helta baker assisting asis at the reception were the misses booth bli ephord farrington drown brown and kilgrow Ki lerow after altera august 10 15 mr and mrs aen pentry will be at home to their friends at ali 7 east eighth south strict tribune |