Show 4 r n r investment worthy I 1 investigation EST f GAT I 1 ON 1 I money donay pit pi t it in the atul ti blut jua t 10 low rate rare of interest reit bt bat 1 gelle oje ally safe thir anre ry oabe investment mid and vy list a full fell line finally ui u i ante aw jonii I 1 more inore ot ol tha th follo eto atOLli hC fc and thin to your notice drolly to belletine lieving bel levine that t BB as a security leco rity giving adequate r results to iti investor they cannot be excelled Jo Cormick alo ila beador lie odor raft ray ei e i baj and and had dad I 1 ag twine lud li l i ati IT S cratic Cra sopi F 1 E myers A bro nad find fd F d Ji jact J ct timy I 1 oliver 01 er and dearo flowe ba liagin aud and cooper 11 aj I 1 HC H co lo 10 gasoline for all all e L 11 co cc manire ejze TL bt b t cl ci erbb demonstrations ande a e J 1 I case toa achille chine ud lil P A she most co complete plate line of light vehicles offered rt ft adv r T blut west of chicago Ch icaco rambler ambler Il automobiles auto autor nobles demonet feted for durability speed t E u ua 3 bill climbing climb iop propensities I 1 cho furmer rancher rB cober rb kraeer mr and the puello generally ate anre invited to 10 inspect oar car list ot of a locke at sat salt lake city II 11 ogden and logan utah otah idaho rille falls and Mo montpelier Pelier idaho additional abores we have at different mild dd as althe the thirty points ix in I 1 utah idaho idabo wyoming aud and nevada correspondence addle odd seed essed to the lit above points neared ne aree aff to your residence or shipping point insures quick buic reply our general generi il laie lae city will be closed et at on wv m saturdays froia now until sept beat let inclusive eiTe owing tu to TO tile the fact that railroads will not receive freight flight fr atter that hour boar sundays ond and boli anya during tile the harvest season a force of III ren r en are at work ft a us ml until 2 p in filling orders fo ranc bino extras telephone us independent 1 0 O end and iga bell 10 during the hours honre named watchman on the premised nightly itly wagon machiele mac hifle co LEADING IMPLEMENT DEALERS OEO T ODELL flea en A ncr ED VAN WA OhMEN loc rl I 1 L L lel i I 1 iz dl E lf r 7 13 orrison morrison candy CU co S st bandies tv aird GARS all new and popular beverages served lk fruit punches delicious sundaes sundnes and phosphates everything sanitary and wholesome 8 i have lave you missed one chance here is another perhaps as good while you vou inere ft ere chinhing thin thinking hing about it somebody eha got 3 hold of that piece of property you had houi VOU I 1 e ee 0 on real keal estare is in n deavid these days and a bargain z dont bait ait long we still hae bae choice fl zt sa some 1 ale libil if you were di disappointed appointed before me lie can call probably pio bably till still suit N ou oil but if there i ia anything D in this list that strikes 3 ou GU you you had fiad bettch aspea speak k quickly toi the these e snaps dont last ion long ve ne have one of the best farms in grass valley to tor only north orth twice that elmost IOU acres of land gl P 11 part bermice land part bay bar land anil ani part pasture excellent Excel lont water right for all 11 grod frame house til of 7 rooms in Burr burille burrville ville and numerous other improTe rant gress grass valley property values are dorn don and now is the time to by neat and substantial brick cottage containing 4 rooms down stairs all painted and kupet fil several substantial st out buildings the property is half block of main street on first north find and has a frontage of 63 53 feet we will take 1100 for this property if nold at once otherwise the price will be advanced as lie he I 1 liec bec is really worth mo noe moe e than we ak one of best hotel properties in se tier coulty good location eirv lot aind good table yards and ab ds in connection doing a good busine first class rocel building tales takes i will tale taie tai e pst patt payment IQ ili tarm larm ing ice land laid thi bp bf rain will not last DEC one halt corner lot vita one ind one crie half balf story brick residence containing rooms down clairs and i rooms up stairs with good cells cellar end and the house bonse the lot let contains a fine ene young ci achard and a good poultry house bouse ibis property cro perty bp afe is a north front and is situated in tb the south part of 0 f town here is a good iome bome ready to td move into for only odly 1325 corner lot in south east part of cf town fenced arid and only one bloon bloc frum from main street k cheap buld bu lot at only biml 1150 A choice farni arming ine piece mece 0 of ci 64 acres 30 aeres acres in hay with 75 sha eb nater right located in brooklyn here is a chance for a good farm at 30 per acre two cabins well and harrip on land you yon cant di count this for a bargain bar gaiti we also have bave other to de describe cribe among among 4 them being 0 bargains I 1 6 in it both city and farm us every day if you have an buy don t fail fad to call on us a 3 room b lel lck residence in st part of town full foil lot well nell fenced and cultivated lawn hydrant and water ater in the house price only ibis it is a good place forra small fornili fer nili 1 here bere is a clauce chance that probably will not appear again new nea ne A brick residence containing four rooms arid and pantry rooms nicely furnished and papered electric ligett water works and modern convenience pio properly perty situated one block west of johnston Job hotel call today if you want this home at we v ill give you time on part of 0 the price A fifty acre farm larder the se sevier sener ner valley canal situated about ahr three miles north of town with veit agoo water right twenty acres cultivated most of it lucein if you know bow to raise lucern seed you ought to be able to clear the price of the farm in it one sea son price 1600 ibis is a snap for some scale resident of venice inside half lot with south front in southwest part of town toli fine building site price only I 1 aco and d layou if you are short of money xe we will sell it to you adyar choice residence lose in inside halt of lot brick house modern and convenient c with water works and electric lights barn and other out A A barg bargain aitt at the price i tsoo berm SOO dowl i balance on oil tine time qt it 8 per cent parcel of 42 acres of farming land in austin some ot of the best sugar beet land in ili the county good water tight light nearly dearly all cultivated here is a snap f for or S 10 40 per acre inside half blieding bi aldine lot south front rood good orchard I 1 situated or on second south and three thre e blocks east of main only two blocks from city park and a very desirable location a short time we are offering this property properly for only artles embich ve v e li have ave not space a good ancl ranch desirable pr property are being placed with anything athing 0 to sell or you want to a 1 nato J M lauritzen I 1 Fla lanager nager ohice office la in court cotin house richfield utah 4 old chronic boic e As it a dressing foi old chronic sores there is nothing so good as chamber lams lains salve while it is bot advisable to heal beat old sores entirely they should be kept in good condition for which this salve is especially valuable talu able for sale by neill drug co cc 1 not ot neglect conr douel many serious diseases arise fiam neglect of atthe the bowels chamberl Chamber chamberlains laius in s stomach ich and allter tablets a pil pleas aut and agreeable laxative they invigorate vie vig orate the liver and reIl lite ite tile the bowels for sale by neill drug dm co cc 1 A FREE PATTERN g Z borr 0 a to rry r ry ater 01 C 0 a Y NAGA mm lawes i A b 1 fa cd c d rit lo dt or tid c CIT uly ird for itria lylith Pe F abl 1 S mp r e TJ up to S dl d l d birte ly arl capt pat mn I 1 I 1 f n U z bejm ea pattern 10 na li A al ak k f fw tb F sold W 10 y wy C abd d OTI or by v raj I 1 I 1 irom a L j THE mccall CO E asb KC ditl lh S N nying NYi tg A I 1 WU MCCALL MAGAZINE 3 RICH IFIELD one year this on pein FREE get gel with M ra S hr E SMITHS 3 MAGAZINE j boj 2 arr tr acis v vc 0 1 21 l i end tai aj tm re dree dr tl ree ee f z 3 c cj r r y J nt acir jacj scitt ls L tc t UL itrato kralf magi maz mag i T 1 11 1 1 t moras A lorl D rl c aez lea ic r rutn jd pic pc t f J e 10 pe LS tac b g z s birj mrs m rs JL alc aci r s J cc I 1 is rc e ip i pil p he ae ant 0 c ei edyt laj fc t lones III tl t cm ci c m i be bet bat ilustre j I 1 rt jee lul L rt ul als cai araw J tt csc by b spead articles orti cles awen nen I 1 artus aers antho ho irow ther the r ab subject act t 13 iggy and trite ss as ies I ie es y t s they are ae ir truc tiNe S SMITHS 10 lo p abl aits nits ciery boktha a 3 e or mole p cit portraits in colors cf tr ij ii aluisi women talen taken all in fill all there i is no beler bc ter inezanne ine ganne than SMITHS SMITH S in ID fact none nealy la tood good wo do outa afat die I 1 1 u at cost cj C ane c to doy A gottal will 11 dc aahmes Aj res dept F 83 seventh anth aebie Ae aie new york city T c c a oil a r zoa S h R i cac J WM mm CALL MUSIC plano ORGAN V ir u i 1 aei ral f ir very city un 1 botn ri utah O TZ i til T vor ir TA P ha eid ei D UTAH t I 1 fast through trains daily to f 1 chicago via ma the NORTH HORTH WESTERN RAILWAY the double track line between tv een the R rier er and I 1 chicago direct correction cornec tion with an all lines to the rat east two trams d daily ily 0 bala to I 1 st paul and minn 4 eicel excellent lent enice demce to duluth I 1 and add I 1 ut tre e lt of cf everything I 1 ra burfet ack ch tg eg an adi I 1 I 1 arary an ra I 1 br cars d i r rg eg tars care a la semes fee re lining ha cars car and d lua d coaches 0 o oreb 1 1011 10 11 aply 17 to aib C A WAK ren re 1 1 I mgt C 8 11 t W rl 8 nd 40 west wast hobt st SL sal SAU LAKE tm UTAH 1 l t S S colic aind d S 1 h R remedy r d y SyiSa cw the CORI but T r LA june and july are the months to get in coal from august january the railroad car are in use in transporting larm farm products for the next thirty days we 6 in per offer coal in ha ten tenton ton lots at y ton IN A NOW COAL 0 0 lk L CO 00 local agents utah fuel co Q G C SOi ALEX ALE treasurer I 1 MORRISON BROS deklerk DEt LESSIN V plumbers supplies Rip plies 10 mw fiam NC AD mm HOE 41 a adji or atly dope ore ard garins d pla 13 1 of busine Bus lne in basche basc me t aasi sta 3 of r anderton i block ni i WIX THE REMINGTON A 4 4 tr typewriter e fac 1 tr t all av 11 I 1 t does not 0 oer elwor worl the operator ae 4 the Opera operator or banot canot czin cz in i over overwork ork the j REMINGTON lv I 1 0 01 17 S wet act temple st salt lake city utah |