Show it takis a whole lot of to prepare and complete all the details for fora a creditable fourth of july ce lebr brition stion and ample time should be allowed tins thi car the commit tee leei N were ere badly baal hurt huri hurciel ie iel 1 all AI tills this aik oik 7 generally enera 13 fallt falls upon t few milling illing t h ands who ho do their N ox k without in reaid and tile the hould alwis lne such time tint thit attending to the at ran amentt ill not it itei feie mth ith their buiners bui bu ineas nebs af fans falls we presume the of a committee it a late dite this cai MS isan an sight on oil tile the put of the council ind we to it tint thit in the future it may be called to rm mind id cai cailler lier A months time is none too much it tale jakc some time f foi oi t tho lio c ti tolving kin pit put t I 1 in n the ill 6 to mi anke ke sulta suitable ble prep nations the county commission cis of beaver county have instructed the sheriff and county attorney to im hinves es agate all compliant wherein people illow their waste to flod fload tile the county loads abid ill all lind aind own ers and water iter users are notified to keep said laid natenis in their pioppi cha channel tinel 01 01 then the N will ill be pro prosecuted to the of the llie la law tint thit is tie of seiei county to do it I 1 is S in ill outrage the w 1 a I ome people flood tile the public puah 1 highway i at 2 times tenders ren lenns n them veritable ciu dhole thi abuse V vill III LO i e until trie proper authorities tie it up etry ertry summer ans flooding 0 roda zat con dinue until it is become z ruis puts ance beyond bea ond endurance there never v 6 as such a emend tind for laborers and trad tradesmen estren in this vicinity os s there has been this arn ind mechanics of all kinds are busy it i impossible to get farm hards and common laborers bours la thin thia Is another dicz tion of the healthy and pros pro pe ol t condition cond nion of this common ty |