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Show WeddingReception Plans Being Made By Newlyweds Wedding reception plans are now being made in Lindon for newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Sterl- I ing L. Walker, who left immed- iately for a honeymoon to Bryce Canyon, Utah after repeating nuptial nup-tial vows Wednesday evening. Sept. 28 at the home of the bride's sister, Mis. Jo Marshall of Orem. The new Mrs. Walker was formerly for-merly Anna Lee Meeks, and she is the daughter of Dalton Meeks of j Bryce Canyon, and Mrs. Glen Johnson cf Battle Mountain, New j Mrs. Luella W. Harris of Lindon is the bridegroom's mother. ! Lovely gladioli and dahlias provided pro-vided the Autumn decorations for the ceremony which was performed perform-ed by Bishop Lawrence M. Palmer of Orem. Mrs. Marshall was the bride's only attendant. For her wedding the bride was lovely in a navy blue knit dress with white accessories. She wore a white orchid corsage. Her mother moth-er wore a black crepe street dress brightened by a peach-color glad- iola corsage while the bridegroom's mother was attired in an orchid crepe street chess to which was pinned a corsage of yellow gladioli. glad-ioli. Howard Walker, brother of the groom, was best man. Only close family members attended at-tended the home wedding, including includ-ing Glen Johnson, who journeyed here with the bride's mother from Battle Mountain, Leonard Harris, husband of the bridegroom's mother, moth-er, and Mr. and Mrs. Aria Walker, Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Glade Walker and Mrs. Howard Walker of Pleasant Grove. The groom attended Snow College Col-lege in Ephraim after graduating from Pleasant Grove High School. The bride received her education in Nevada where she was graduated gradu-ated from high school last June before coming to Utah to seek employment; She was making her home in Orem with her sister. The couple returned from their honeymoon on Sunday and are at home in the Morley Keetch basement in Lindon. |