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Show Funeral Rites for Violet Cobbley Set for Friday Violet Cobbley, life-long resident of the Pleasant Grove area, died Wednesday morning from a heart ailment at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Julian Hanson, Orem. She was 77 years of age. She was torn in Lindon, Utah, Sept. 12, 1878 the daughhter of F. C. and Eliza Crossland Banks, pioneer pio-neer residents of this vicinity. She was educated in the schools of Lindon and Pleasant Grove and spent her early life assisting with the household duties and farm work of the family home in Lindon. She married Albert E. Cobbley of Lindon, Dec. 7, 1898 in the Salt Lake Temple. The couple were the paients of six children, four of whom survive. Mrs. Julian (Grace) Hanson, Orem; Bill Cobbley, He-ber; He-ber; Mrs. Frank (Florence) Peterson, Peter-son, Fontana, Calif.; and B. Cobbley, Cob-bley, Pleasant Grove. Mrs. Cobbley was active in church and community affairs in Lindon, particularly of the Old Folks Committee for many years. Since the death of her husband in 1935 she operated a rooming house in Salt Lake City, served as a matron at the State Training School in American Fork, and lived liv-ed quietly at Wr 'home, 191 East Battle Creek Drive, in Pleasant Grove. In addition to her children she is survived by two brothers and a sister, Mrs. Ellen Samuelson, Salt Lake City; Junius Banks, Le-hi, Le-hi, and Karl Banks, Pleasant G-rove. Funeral services will be conducted conduc-ted at the Olpin-Sundberg Mortuary, Mor-tuary, Pleasant Grove, Friday at 1 p.m. under the direction of Bishop Bish-op Welby Gammon of the Fifth Ward. Friends may call at the mortuary mortu-ary Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. and prior to the services on Friday. |