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Show HIGH SCHOOL NEWS The basketball game this Friday, February 16, will be in the Lehi Gymnasium. There will be two games beginning at 7 and 8 o'clock. Lehi is going fast, can A. F. stop them? Old rivalry between A. F. and Lehi will make this game very interesting. A special Lincoln assembly was held last Monday at the High School. The program also honored the Boy Scouts, this week being Boy Scout Week. Mr. A. A. Anderson, Ander-son, Chief Scout Executive of the Timpanogos District, was the speaker; speak-er; and other numbers on the program pro-gram were in tribute to Lincoln and the Boy Scouts. The high school student body officers offi-cers drove to Salt Lake City on Wednesday, Wed-nesday, February 7. While -there thsy .visited the South and East High Schools and investigated their systems of student control. At both high schools the officers were received re-ceived with much hospitality, and they gained some very useful information infor-mation and ideas as to the making of an ideal government. An all girls' play was presented last Friday in the High School An ditorium. The male members o1 the two speech classes took part ir this play. Some of the actresse; were so alluring in their roles thai the boys of the school have actuallj fallen for them. |