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Show THIS eg prize STORY ill!' 0f"eeXr'l,.c,;'f' ;' PP I'lot i iT ilenis in the home, marl Ja '"Sintnin Kceion, it will bl alio found nni, f , fc d , bonndary l J n(crmonn(ain Rcgionf' c" "nycd Item. rllC buck to tlht Rnd th m no unempIortl4 this r(.Bion- E. W. HANSON, ' ' Green Klver, W '' Utah Oil Refining Service Stations r" Utah and Idaho ; ( Palmistry Very Old 1 " . Palmistry, the art of obtaini( lniotmaiion a.lt,ut the future fronts1 the pam of tljehand, is very old ;h oin and the modeni form o it is base(l n upon the systems formulated inhla Cmna and Intia. Lls Write for o, jcc Feed and " NurserpGuide Book U. S. Glry in War Four regin of TJ. S. cavalry, the second, H, sixth and fif- teenth, had sie in the A. E. F. and the total konnel at the time of embarkati(a3 5,528. ' SALESMB' SAMPLES Ladies Kr.ii Is and Dresses Now half Off UTAH WiEN MIJp ; Salt L; ity, Utah 'j '? Point Barro4 Arctic Point Barroie northernmost 's, tip of Alaska, Well within the L Arctic circle. ltd is just south, f of this line. f 1 ASK YOUR GGIST FOB I AMU MILK eS iGNESIA 1 AN INTEHMOUI PRODUCT Salt Under df Moscow Brine with a ciy of salt five times that of tfiack sea has been discovered t the city of Moscow. r 150,000 feet New fipP'" Sizes 12T. 1" 11,000 feet 4" Llron Monsey Iron letal ---. 70D Sontli 3rd West UKt Cit 'J Trouble Easy forU to M 1( "Some troublesoifolWJ s'h Unele Eben, "don't e to til to make trouble. 4 jes' nl f ally is it." 1 oP an Place "Sfcur Orfer InI F For White Lcehorns. Re Rocklj Jk other Popular Breeds. Pruction ' Mountain Bred and Accliptcd on 1 - W short distance from our rm Ht erics to your warm Brnoe. 'f J distributors for "Sol-Hofj Br and Lincoln chick feedersrtV ri'-4 special prices and cash dcoun orders placed now. 'I I "All Breeding Stock B!co Tested Pnllornm Disease. jS-Hja. 8 the B Whole Blood Altrlutination Met'' g sinco October 1st, 1033, and nil "' catcd reactors removed." j, RA3MSIIAW HATCHERIES 0;' S687 So. State, Salt Lake City. Uti E TIMI'ANOGOS IIATCHEKIEJ Provo. Utah I lis The orchid, aristocrat of flwe requires at least seven years bloom. $3 00-" voJ.VJ' nrlic.o on ..ffh, ,oo V should uso Interniountnln """J j (Joods" Similar to above. s";"( your story In prose or verse 10 !1"K(I termountain Products Column. P-Uai1-Box 1355. Salt Lake City. " ,m'-QQ story appears In this t Q AA . column you will re- JJ.vUlS ccivo check for . fi i 1 |