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Show ing iS"1UitCT' so gave interest-. w regarding scouting. formed f- Lel""i M. Adamson- v prised Mt y and PleaanUy sur-son sur-son Jr. a, Thomas Adam-rung, Adam-rung, Gat 10me Saturday eve- . ed the evf 800181 cllat form- late hour!fg? diversions- At a tertainme W a w-W Full detaJ-Februa'-y out will Z Pr0grafm " wied "t in next week's issue.- taSedTt'-r. 2 i'ES Mrer- : Zh Were I recently. Earry n the evening a program and lat r m the eV fr J served to foity. The following out-of-town people were present, Mt. and Mrs. Ray L. . ! Monson, Jota Herson and dJ 5 f 'Woa Fork; Mr. r. and Mrs. Han? Brown of Copper ' ' and Mr. and Mrs.Gurney ofhi V Highland News The play "Way Down East", presented pre-sented by the Alpine Dramatic club in Alpine Friday evening for the Highland ward, was an exceptionally exceptional-ly fine production and the Alpine people should be highly commended for their splendid work and generosity gener-osity in this matter. The characters in the play each portrayed their parts in a most pleasing manner. Hi Holler portrayed portray-ed by Paul Wiser was an exceptional character and caused much merriment merri-ment throughout the entire performance. per-formance. Specialties between acts were several seve-ral vocal solos by Maurice Larson with guitar accompaniment, and two saw solos by Boyd Stice with piano accompaniment by Marie Larson. Lar-son. " 1 Contrary to previous arrangements Mark White was called from home unexpectedly and was unable to furnish fur-nish transportation. This change of affairs, together with the inclement weather brought a great deal of disappointment but each cloud has a silver lining and in this case Mr. Ray L. Monson proved to be a real good scout by taking the Highland people along the bus route to Alpine free of charge. The Highland people are truly grateful to the Alpine people and Mr. Monson and are hoping they may some day return these favors in some way. The meeting Sunday evening under un-der the direction of the scouts was well attended and enjoyed. The following program was carried out in a pleasing manner. Scout Oath, Clayton Hall; Duties of a Scout, Donald Strasburg; What Scouting . Teaches a Boy, Lawrence Day; Scout j Code, LaGrande Adamson; Scout: Signals, Stanley Peck, LeGrandej Adamson, receiver; Mr. A. B. Allen of the Stake Board told of the object ob-ject of scouting, also of Mr. Boises first experience with scouts. Mr. West Hammond, assistant stake sup-' erintendent of Y. M. M. I. A., gave interesting incidents on courage and answer to prayer. Stanley Peck, |