Show W Were We're e re Swamped Thanks to you people our customers we have had so much business since our Grand Opening that we have been unable to get our store facilities and stock arranged ed properly So We Must Close Two Days FRIDAY and SATURDAY A AI I March 18 and 19 We We know v vve we ve can serve you better and more m re efficiently if this is done F u r t again to all of you for fOl yo your r T wonderful patro patronage age n a. a t iB A ULLOCK'S LLO S 'S INC i a New Location Coalville Utah tah t CARD OF OP THANKS THANKS I Mr and Mrs Bert Moore and family wish to extend their thanks thanks' and appreciation to all those who showed interest in Mr Moore with their their phone calls cards and blo blood d donations Mr Moore has left the hospital and is now at Coveys Covey's Motel in Salt Lake City until his release from the doctor CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who helped in any way at the funeral services for our father and brother broth broth- er Edward Beard Deard We especially thank hank the Veterans of Foreign Wars who who conducted the M Military I Service The Beard Family WANT ADS NEED WEED NEED 10 to acres Cres with willi hay hayand hayand hayand and pasture fenced for tor sheep sheer with or without home buy or orlease lease Or need to run 60 GO ewes this I summer F. F D D. D Eggett Woods Cross AX 1 5 8 4 c SAVE ON MEAT MEAT Call Call us f for r locker meat cut to your sped We do custom slaughtering slaughtering slaught slaught- ering In a licensed and inspected plant Kamas Valley Meat Pack Pack- ers os Phone lamas Kamas 2872 or 2346 FOR SALE Radio SALE Radio phonograph console in very v ry good condition See Garnet Jones JODeS Henefer phone ll NEED 10 to acres with hay hayand hayand hayand and pasture fenced for sheep with or without home buy or orlease orlease orlease lease or need to run 60 50 ewes this summer F F F. D D. Eggett Woods Cross Croes AX 5 12 LOST LOST LOST-IMy Wy book Great Religions Reli Rell glOM gions of the World Who bor her borrowed rowed it please I cant can't ber Thanks for your immediate cooperation Bob Dob Williams Coal Coal- yule Ulo 11 11 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO WATER USERS Notice is hereby given that Beaver Deaver Creek Ranch FairvIew Fairview Fairview Fair- Fair view Ave Salt It Lake City Utah has filed with the State Engineer Application No which proposes proposes proposes pro pro- poses to appropriate 1 sec ft atwater of at water from an un Unnamed Spring trib to Smith Morehouse River to Weber River in Summit County Coun Coun- ty The water is to be diverted at a point S. S 1074 ft and E. E ft ft from NW Cor Sec 36 TIN I The water will be beI used from May 1 to Nov 1 for forthe forthe forthe I the domestic requirements of 10 families in NW said Sec 36 Protests resisting the granting COME DANCE TO THE DUNES ES OF OP THE FRED ORCHESTRA SUMMIT STAKE AND GREEN BALL Summit Stake House Saturday March 1 12 Theme Theme- Carry On Very Ver Pane Fine Floor Show Budget Cards Honored lJ It f 44 10 at of t the t foregoing r application with must fa be e tiled filed In duplicate with nth the State Slate Engineer En t State Capitol Salt Lake Lab City 14 Utah on or before April 9 1960 Wayne 1 D D. D Griddle Criddle State Engineer Published in tn The Summit County Coun Coun- ty Bee Dee Coalville Utah from February Feb February i 25 26 to March 10 1960 I NOTICE It is fa compulsory for tor every person per pet son eon owning or having any dogs within the corporate limits of Coalville City to pa pay an annual dog tax of ot for tor every male mala and for every female All AU dog clog tax must be paid to City Marshal Marshat or City Treasurer on or ot before March 15 1960 after which date license will become delinquent and dogs will win be impounded Impounded Im pounded for a maximum of five days daya at a fee ot or f per dog per day After the five live day period if dogs are not redeemed they willbe will willbo bo be disposed of of MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 7 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that 5 lid st s W t 21 a aON a I ON THE ROAD Keep in touch by long distance NEW LOWER LONG DISTANCE RATES KATES Now for only or less you youcan co con can call toll anywhere in the country except Alaska or Hawaii and talk for three wonderful minutes at the nighttime station station to station rate or oron oron oron on Sunday plus plu f d rol tax lox Mountain States Telephone ti S 'S t k i X io bids bId for lor the fleet ara t I ot of All U co county owned ed tru trucks kl tf tractors tray trac trayton o tors ton power power w f grader dera e and I Sheriffs a car ear wilt b be bd tec received tt tIP up to and including April 1 1960 File said bids bid with Summit County Clerk and aDd they wilt will be be- opened April 4 In the regular gutu meeting of the County Commissioners Commissioners Commis The C Commissioner reserve the right to refuse any and all aU bid bids For a list of county cou owned equipment equipment equipment equip equip- ment contact Summit County Count Clerk 3 J J. J Emerson Staples Signed i IH II f SUMMIT COUNTY COUNT COMMIS SIGNERS By J J. Emerson Staples s. s Published in The Summit County County Count Coun Coun- t ty Bee Jet Ma March h 10 1017 17 11 and 24 1960 Moore Motor Co UTAH Always The Always The s The Best Buys In Id USEI CARS CANS 1959 Oldsmobile Hard T Top p b equipped i io Fully equipped O A 1957 Buick Hardtop 4 Door Sedan Radio heater fully equipped Just like new e 0 Two 1956 Mercury Hard Tops 0 1955 Chevrolet Door 4 Sedan Radio Heater Automatic Transmission y yO O 1959 Chev Station Wagon 9 1958 Chev Station Station Wagon o Transportation Specials o Two 1953 Chevrolet z l Ton Pickups Pickups' 1 4 Speed Transmission 6 G Ply Tires O 0 2 T n Truck l' l BULLOCKS BULLOCK'S INC Now Settled in Our Beautiful New Headquarters GRAND r OPENING Continues THANK YOU To the more than persons C Come orne in In r an and d H Help e I p Y Yourself ourse If t to 0 who day thanks day visited thanks our a million store on for opening your interest your neighborly friendship friendship friend friend- ship your sentiments of appreciation apple apple- appreciation REAL BARG ci tion of our new store and your patronage We will spare no effort to merit your loyalty MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF BULLOCKS BULLOCK'S INC Become Eligible to Win WinT T this Beautiful General Electric Dishwasher O Offer fer r C Continues nt nl p h t e Y g w rrie ri r-ri- J fi J. J c. c J 1 a lot 4 4 11 Ij |