Show I 1959 Centennial Paid Its Way Council Learns I gigantic Centennial celebration of ot last July paid for tor i Itself announce Coalville councilmen councilmen council council- j men this week It was very surprising surprising surprising sur sur- to the council that such sucha a wonderful celebration should I take so little of the taxpayers' taxpayers money but by latest estimates only a little over 23 was not covered by receipts from various departments The initial cost of at the Centennial Centennial Centen Centeno nial Souvenir history pamphlet has hs now been met by sales of the booklet by the Ladles Literary ClUb who sponsored the project Remaining copies of the broE brochure brochure ure have been to the Literary Club who have now been given n the privilege of ot keeping keeping I II future proceeds They plan to I use whatever money Is II collected for lor some somo worthy project In the city I Bill BUl Warner former proprietor of the Ideal Service In Coalville rt requested quested permission from tram Coal- Coal yule City officials Monday londay night to erect a fire tire proof garage on I his bis property between the Coal- Coal I ille lIle City Hall and the Coalville Fire Pire Station No gasoline pumps I will nill be installed I II j I The city approved his I application Hans Wight of Salt Lake City i presented further plans for tor the proposed sewer project listing specification and cost of a water treatment plant |