Show i I SAC SCHOOL NOTES NOTES First t Grade Ve Wt ar are making picture dic die dictionaries w we it studied t d Abo about in our bur aO Social lar Studies Studies' St JMel billy's billys fil Friends Mr Wilde gave gave us some b books book okA to cut pie pictures ures ou out of ot to paste yaste aste In la i o JV dictionaries l. l We printed tinted a r I stories about th the pictures We are h happy Taunya Tauny is II well enough llon h to tOme conic to 1 school bool in the mornings She has been quite ill illand and wa was In the hospital We hope Taunya Tauna will soon be well enough I to come to school all aU day as we I miss tulu her so much Taunya has haa a aheart aheart heart ailment nt I I Second Grade i IThe i The Second Grade children h have Lase te made a 1 toy grocery store etore I I W D named nied t the e store The diens dien's Market All ot or the tho I Men dren helped to make the Store Ve We I brought things from home We made some Bome things from Clay i We made some paper money We have fun playing in the store I Larry Carpenter t i j I Fourth Grade The teacher is reading us a book about Peters Peter's Silver Sliver Dollar It H Is about when Peter visited the Silver King mine with his uncle Den It tells the story of silver from from the time it leav leaves the mine I until it is made made- into a sliver silver dollar It is an Interesting story Kathleen Ann Emerson I We learned a new song It is le a areal areal areal real nice song we think Its It's name is Washington and Lincoln Lin Lin- coln coIn I i George Washington is called coin Lin-coin the father of ot our land but Lin- Lin coin coln grew from poverty to be a aleader aleader aleader leader great Georgene Stable Stahle 1 Yesterday we wrote letters to anyone In the class claM or anyone else Ise that we like Some of us wrote to people in tb the room and some somo of us wrote to other pee pea i We Ve also wrote stories of our hobbles hobbies They are good stories I Dick Jenkins This week we had election of officers They are President Michael Ichael Ware vice president I Roberta Bircumshaw secretary- secretary Treasurer Brewer Drewer We Wet t think they will be good officers officer Dennis Hitner Fifth Grade Today we passed the mark in stamp purchases The room has bas purchased worth and h ha has held the stamp award 11 times out of 22 weeks We have a new class project we are preparing individual English English Eng Eng- lish Ush notebooks which will have nearl nearly r all all all' the rules and examples ex ex- examples amp amples s to prove or cl clarify them The Th book wil tl have lave ave an Index for quick reference to any rule and will have nave space for for additional rules as we progress through school The class also is keeping Individual Individual in individual In- In records of the many great ideas we read about in history his his- tory These ideas plus important dates In history will give us a brief resume of ol major history I events I The class has also elected new officers After Atter the fine job done by M Elsa s Leatham ane and Poria Smith as president and secretary and the assistance e of S Steve eve Leatham Le Leatham Leat Leat- tham t. t ham it was a hard Job ob finding able students to fill these positions positions however the job was accomplished accomplished accomplished ac ac- ac- ac with much success as fa Pamela meta ela Moore assumed the presIdents presIdent's presidents president's pres pres- ident's ideals duties assisted by Tom Miles vice president and Mies lIss Jacklo Jackie Woodbury who has hae thy th difficult job of ot class secretary |