Show Drama Festival I ISet 1 Set for March 1 9 The t District Drama Festival will wilt be held Ma March h 9 D In the school auditorium at t 7 7 30 O pm p.m. Miss MIM Naomi Jensn I t Drema Dramn Supervisor I Prize Prie winning on OM act net plays playa ii e tv In I Summit and Summit Stakes will compete Those These will willI I b b Judged judger for or c excellent Th r wll be qualified to par par- ci at ate in ho rIMon contest M 1 SnIt Salt Lake ake orl oA March 12 The liner i in r of four tour district t i c C c wilt gp t the All Ch Church a Ii IT ii t r. r a J ln in June Cort- Cort I 9 I r K Ii ff is a to attend Y f. f ime me of 0 entertains entertain- entertain s fp no fee tee bs ba I rit I r 1 |