Show I I. I To Bride-To-Be Is I Feted at Shower Showe I Miss MIse Mary Chisholm a bride of this week was honored at a a bridal shower in the Henefer DUP Building Monday night The evening evening evening eve eve- I ning was spent in making ft e. brides bride's book and playing t table table ble I games I IThe The honored guest was waa crowned crown crown- crown j ed with a beautiful headdress of ribbons from the many lovely i iI I gifts gIrts which she received hostesses Hos- Hos were Mrs Dorene Rowser Bowser and Mrs Irene Bowser Guests were Ann Taylor Karma Karma Karma Kar Kar- ma Brown Drown Saundra Stephens Mary Ackerson Shirley Francis Fr I Aloma Harris Linda Hintze I I Irene Chisholm Mrs Marcia ChIsholm Beulah Deulah Stephens Stephen's Mela Melva Mel Mel- Y a va Joye Ovard Artel Marsha Crittenden La Ln LaNae LaNae I INae Nae Ovard Thea Boyer Doyer Susie Church Ruth Francis the hostesses hoe hos teases and the guest of honor |