Show I I South Summit t j I Dinner gU guests S SUI l ay at t Mr and Mrs lira Bob Dob were Lolas Lola's sister plater Ida anI and family of of I Bountiful Mr Mr Jesse Jasse Is much I improved ed and is 16 out after atter his ill ill- ness fleas Mrs Clara Williams has been on the sick list fist since e she returned return return- ed from C California Mr Ir and Mrs Simpson I will le leave v Saturday u M arch arch ch 12 for Denver where they will attend I the tha National Farmers Union con con- next week fir Mr Ir Simpson I president pr- pr of th the Farmers Union j I II I will attend board meetings before I the convent convention n I I f Mrs Mira Nettle Nettie itt Pitt Linda Shane Shano I I and Melonie visited with i Mr i sad and 1 Mrs l Theron n. n Holmes II in Lt Lehl I Sun I Iday day i Mr Mr lIr and n 10 Mrs dire Glen len GI Gibbons bons visited visited M March 5 in n O Ogden den with Eya l a King lpg Jl 1 and D Dr yf W H. H Anderson Ander J Anderson son 11 an and i dy v Glen Cle q q and ad n 14 Ruth Lam Lambert rt and daughters Jan er Jan an a and d Virginia la of ot Provo spent three days IJ last II 1 week eek with Mr and Mrs Frank Lambert Lam Lam- bert belt J Bonnie onn I Robert Howe and children chil dren r n Cherie and W Warren JeD of Ct Butte Dutte Monta Montana I- I were were house guests e ts of t I Mr and MM Mrs t I W W W. 1 a awe we week k a They also atsa spent sometime some sometime time with Hobs Hob's bi pat patent iHl Mr and Mr Mrs 1 BArt Baft ft tJ we l la tn Murr Murray j J t f It Farewell Farrell i Party I Gandy Is 18 tack ark aek I. I 0 her bet Raise shoplifter I fter 6 art A absence ottlO of ot two tl w weeks eka due to the flu A going away party part for Kendall I I prior to hl his hta leaving for tor forthe the South African mission was held at the Kamas Kama I Hall Thursday Much March 3 3 Games were played and an as enjoyable evening evening eve eve- ve ning was was had ad by a large cru crud crowd d. d were served b by the committee in charge Thora ant an Martha Lambert Myrtle PItt all au N Nevada Best Deat Kendall J receives received many us useful tul gifts gUts The Friendship Club met Mon ton Monda da Uk Feb reb 2 20 29 at Susan Niels Names were ere drawn for tor secret PIl pau oJ sewing and vIsiting was en en- joyed Refreshments were lien sere genet e. e to Dorene Watson Anna L Lo Leo o Lola and Mary ilary Archuletta Renae r Erma ay and Dett States Scales The rhe next meeting wil bi bl March 14 H t at the home of ot Mary Mar ary Archuletta Lynn flowers who underwent surgery Feb 12 on both feet teet Is home from the hospital lie He will nil willbe be in is casts rast and a wheelchair for tor several se w weeks ks to come Baptismal A baptismal service under the direction of Bishop Roscoe An An- f Carl Smith and Ito Roy Anderson An Ander ct- ct eon son WAS held at the South Summit Sum Sum- mit S Stake C HO House Saturday Mar 6 G at pm p.m. pm p.m. Those baptised were re Cabs Carloa Smith Marlon RuthA Ruth A Anderson Ipoa Peoa Kayla Karla ban bAtt Oakley Oakler end and Kenneth Butler t Kamas amu |