Show if r 7 c. c This Week in South Summit it Party party for Chris I A large large large- crowd o attended the themen party and shower tot for otto Olio men lien een Saturday day a evening In the J Kara Kara- amas am am- as Recreation tl n Hall HaIL Games were played and a short program given leaves soon for the Western States mission He lIo d many an useful gifts nis were served Dinner guests at the tM homo home of Mr t. t and Mrs airs Glen Olen Gibbons Sunday Sunday Sun day dav were Dr W W. II II n. Anderson and daughter Mary Iary Louise and ifton dron OIl Larson tarson and daughter Kathy lathy ij of f Ogden Mr and Mrs Jack Fitzgerald and Clod family of Salt Lake enjoyed f t Sunday nt ot the home hone of Mr Ir and Mrs Airs Frank Fitzgerald I Weekend Quests Quest Mr Mr and Mrs J J. J Owen Gibbons hud had as their house guests for the i week end l sister and broth I cr law in law in-law Mr Ir and Mrs Irs George I I M W. W Nix of Salt Lake They attended attend ed the Relief Society Sunday evening eve ovo ning service at llamas l and Mr NIx Mix spoke at the funeral of lIda lIdaI Crandall In Peoa Monday I. I I Mr and Mrs Larry bit HoU spent I Thursday In Salt Lake on business bust busi I ness mss and also visiting Ruths Ruth's folks the Hugh Dinner guests Sunday at Mr and Mrs Irs Bob Dob were Lolas Lola's sister Ida and family of Bountiful ful Mr Air Jesse is much improved and la ia out after his ill ness floss Mrs Mra Clara Williams has been on the sick list sine she returned return ed cd from California To Convention I Mr and Mrs Douglas Simpson will leave Saturday March 12 for far or Denver where they will attend the National Farmers Union convention convention con next week Mr Simpson president of the Farmers Union will attend board meetings before the convention Mrs Nettle Pitt Linda Shane Shano and Melonie visited with Mr and Mrs Theron Holmes in Lehi Leht Sun SUD Sunday day r I If f Gibbons Mr and Mrs Ira Glen Gibbons visited lM March ch 5 in Ogden Ogden den w Elf Elra King and fir Df W. W It II 11 Anderson Ander Anderson son on and family then Glen and Ruth Lambert and daughters J Jan n and Virginia of Ot Provo spent three days day last week I with Mr Air and Mrs prank Frank rank Lam tarn bert Bonnie Robert Howe and chil children I dren Cherie and Warren of ot Butte nutte Montana were house houlle gu guests guesta sl of ot Mr and Mrs 1 t W W. Fitzgerald a I week ago aga They also spent sometime some sometime time with fobs Dob's parents Mr Ir and Mrs Earl arl E E. E Howe in Murray i Farewell Party I Hallie Gandy is le back in her beauty shop shap after an absence of two weeks duo due to ta the flu I A going away party for Kendall Lamb Lambert rt prior to ta his leaving for forI forthe forthe I the South African mission was WaB held at the Kamas Recreation I Hall Thursday March 3 Games I i were played and an enjoyable evening eve eveS i ning was had by a largo large crowd Refreshments were served by the committee In charge Thora and Martha Lambert Myrtle Pitt and Nevada Dest Best Kendall received many useful gifts I The rhe Friendship Club met Monday Monday Mon day Feb 29 at Susan Niels Names were drawn for far secret pala sewing and visiting was en en- joyed R Refreshments were served to Dorone Dorene Watson Anna Lee Lola and Mary Archuletta Renae Cossey Erma Erraa and Betty Hetty Scares Scales The rhe next meeting will be March 14 U at the tho home of 01 Mary Archuletta f Lynn Dowers Bowers who underwent surgery Fob Feb 12 on both feet is home from the hospital He willbe will willbe be Ibe in fn casts and a wheelchair for far several weeks to come Baptismal A baptismal service under the direction of 01 Bishop toscoe Andrus An An- drus Carl Smith and Roy Anderson Ander son eon was held at the South Sauth Summit Summit Sum Sum- mit wit Stake House Saturday Mar lar 5 fi at pm p.m. Those baptised were Carlos Smith Marion Marlon Ruth Anderson Peoa Peon Kayla han ban Oakley and Kenneth Kennelh Duller Butler Kamas gamas Executives Executive Meet the fhe mon monthly meeting of 01 Stake Presidency and Stake Boards noard WM was held h March 2 In the South Summit Stake lt ke House at 8 S pm p.m. m to In 0 n Reed ed Marchant tar hant conducted prelude pre pre hide lude music Cora 1 Dahl ahl Thomas singing conduct conduct- conducted I ed by ElIzab Elizabeth th Lefler Letter Inspirational I thought Mona Leavitt of the Stake tt I Prescott was released as r recording secretary for the I and Kathryn Kathrn Prescott was sustained to that position Mr Ir Buchanan was waa released as aA I sf second c councilor In the tho Stake misSion nils-i nils slon Sion and Mr tr Nelson elson v was aa sue SUS sus-j sus tamed in his 1 place lace Separation In ins Int Into t to board groups w was s at |