Show Round th County With Naomi I II I 1 certainly enjoyed my In In- Service training school In Logan last week So many good things Were given us Ill I'll be p passing them on to you In the next fe few v months There will be art on upholstery school held in Coalville at the Stake House louse the week of March 21 All AU who are ore Int interested rested must register with me or my rny office by 16 This is eo so Ill I'll know what s supplies to get The school is open to anyone in the North I Summit area At the fruit counter look for good values in oranges grapefruit grapefruit grapefruit grape grape- fruit bananas Washington red and Golden Colden delicious apples The quality of or oranges and grapefruit grapefruit grape grape- fruit Is very high buy by bag If It you have good storage space and plan to use them up ih In a fairly short time I Supplement your diet with with extra supplies of ot eggs This is the seas season n for low prices high quality and plentiful supplies Large eggs are still cheaper by bythe bythe bythe the pound than smaller sizes Egg tips lips Leftover egg whites will keep up to 10 days in the refrigerator re refrigerator re re- If placed in a tightly covered container Cover leftover leftover leftover left left- over egg yolks Y with cold ld wat water r and ke keep p up to 3 days In the refrigerator l rato i Carrots continue e to be v lo priced and In good supply Thuy Th are one one ne of our our top sources tf d. Vitamin A. A Onions and cabbage are re economical l Buys b yS this this' week weekend end n With 17 per cent more canned corn than a year year ago you ago you may j ex tto specials t whole f sp ls on on r whole k kernel rne of or or cream style Com corn white or of y w. w C Jr r 1 Heres Here's a recipe l you U might like lika lIk to try 1 pound ground beef round I pound sausage sausage me meat t 1 large chopped onion 1 finely fin ly I clove garlic te cup beef bouillon salt and and p pepper to taste taste ted tea I spoon oregano 1 tablespoon salt o quarts boiling water 3 S ounces spaghetti I Combine beef beet sausage onion I ganic garde Cook unto until meat s s s browned stirring occasionally dd idd bouillon salt an and pepper and Cover and cook over low heat 40 minutes stirring occasionally Meanwhile add 1 tablespoon salt to to rapidly boiling water ater gradually add spaghetti so SQ that water continues to boll Cook uncovered stirring occasionally y until tender Drain in coland colander r. r Serve with meat sauce |