Show Census Planned by Alvin Pace Alvin Pace of Coalville has been appointed crew leader for tor forthe forthe I the 1960 Census of ot Population and Housing in Summit Morgan and Daggett Counties by Supervisor Ralph E. E Robson of the Census Bureaus Bureau's temporary district office in Ogden Each crew leader will supervise supervise supervise super super- vise about 20 enumerators in the big wide nation census which begins begins be be- gins April 1 1 Crew leader train train- lug will begin on March 9 for rural rural rural ru ru- ral ral crew leaders while their city counterparts will start training on March 19 11 The crew leader is one of ot the key people in the field operations o the 1960 Census of ot Population and Housing It Is II his responsibility to recruit and train the census takers plan and allocate work assignments review the work of the census takers and take remedial action where necessary necessary necessary essary and to handle problems of ot difficult enumeration |