Show r Y See The Dinan Dinah Shore Chevy Show in color Sundays The NBC Pat Boone Chevy Showroom weekly ABC TV t iA HOW O Pt MUCH a IS A YEAR 10 EDGE EDGEIN IN A COMPACT CAR DESIGN PRACTICALLY FLAT Heres Here's a bonus In extra foot room room more more than you'll find in many big cars WORTH li eJ i I YOU DECIDE HOW MUCH i MORE CORVAIR GIVES YOU IN COMFORT CONVENIENCE AND FOLD DOWN REAR SEAT-One SEAT quick flip and you increase cargo space to tot t CONTROLLABILITY WITH cubic feet And its it's standard THESE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES equipment THEY TUEY DONT DON'T COST ONE PENNY EXTRA 9 BALANCED The BRAKING-The quicker the stop the more equal is the weight J distribution on each eh wheel Another 1 great advantage of rear engine design cREAR i c REAR ENGINE You You TRACTION climb J right out of snow sand nit and mud where ee other compact cars bog down t a 1 U t t I I I 11 tt t f i. i II t WHEEL FOUR INDEPENDENT SUS SUS- 4 Each pE PENSION Each Each SION-Each wheel walks Independently Independently Inde over bumps and how I AIR COOLING You COOLING You never have to buy that the ride ridel antifreeze antifreeze or ze-or ze or repair a It radiator And air can cant can't t boil over ever Vi CHEVROLET BY i 7 1 14 i 00 Sedan Drive its it-it's il 1 jun See local authoring u your ut lur jor fast ISI dealt deals MOORE E MOTOR OT OR COMPANY NY Main Street Coalville Utah I DR DIt H. H MURRAY HURRAY Y CARVER For lor better vision have your our eyes examined Jl now V COALVILLE FRIDAYS PHONE 2491 Plastic Contact Lenses Fitted 2470 liO Wash Blvd Ogden Ogden Phone EX 2 NOTICE As a result of a petition signed by the majority of the people of Kamas starting March 10 and 11 the GARBAGE REMOVAL PROGRAM Vr will commence Garbage and trash should be out in front of the place j and will be picked up on Thurs Thursdays ays and Fridays A per month fee will be attached t to the water bill for those who signed the petition The gates of the he city dump will be locked every day except Thursday and Friday at which time Mr Walden Bowers will be there to supervise and oversee dumping THE KAMAS TOWN CORPORATION L Classified Business Directory A QUICK REFERENCE OF RELIABLE BUSINESS FIRMS SERVICE E EXPERTS BAKERIES SEITER'S SETTERS BAKERY Special Cakes Made To Or Order er for Birthdays Parties Weddings Quality Bakery Goods of All Kinds Catering Service I 62 North Main Ph Heber lIeber 84 Heber City SH SHOE E REP REPAIR IR ALLENS ALLEN'S SHOE REPAIR Satisfaction Guaranteed Quick Economical Service We Specialize in Boot Doot Repairs North Main Open 8 30 to 6 Heber City FARM FAR EQUIPMENT ANDERSONS ANDERSON'S FARM STORE Headquarters i for r Trucks Tractors and Farm Machines l S S. S Main Ph H Heber ber Heber City WILLIAMS GENERAL REPAIR Case Machinery Gas Goa Oil Tires Parts Phone Kamas Kama Sterling Williams Peoa Peon Utah FURNITURE STEVENS HOME FURNISHINGS Leos Leea Clear Color Carpets Hoover Vacuums Call Cull Collect Well Collect Well We'll make Free estimates on Carpeting Ph Heber Complete Furnishers Heber City CLEANERS WASATCH CLEANERS Free fink up Pick up and Auld Deliver Delivery at Summit Hotel Kamas r Keep the lie fashion you buy with our M Dry Cleaning Ph Heber CO GO 75 South Main Heber City FUEL FUEL OILS Filtered Filter Metered Fuel Ful Deliveries Budget Plan Policy A A A complete servicing of your Heating Plant FREE once a year ASHTON OIL TRANSPORTATION Ph Fn Heber City FOOTWEAR POLL PARROT SHOES for Boys Days and Girls HERBER HERDER CITY EXCHANGE COMPANY 0 Summit County Bee Job Department APPLIANCES General Electric Refrigerators Ranges Automatic Washers Philco TV and Radio ANDERSONS ANDERSON'S HARDWARE STORE I N N. Main Ph Heber 12 Heber City I MORTUARIES MORTUARY Park City City Ph Heber City City Ph Ph 77 R Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt-Ph lt FLORISTS FLORISTS' HEBER VALLEY FLORAL Flowers for All Occasions W Weddings dings Birthdays Anniversaries Cor Corsages ag fa p Ph Heber er Heber Pity City UPHOLSTERING n THOMPSON UPHOLSTERING SHOP Call us collect for your upholstering needs Free Pick up and Delivery 70 TV 1st S S. Ph 11 DI Heber City CHILDRENS WEAR TO Buster Duster Brown Drown Quality Knitwear for Boys Doys and Girls Girla Cater and Lil Lii Frocks for Children Tiny Tot Bonnets Donneta for Easter HEBER REDER CITY EXCHANGE COMPANY FINANCING INSURANCE WASATCH FINANCE COMPANY Small Loans Insurance North Main Ph Heber Reber City LAD LADIES LADIES' illS illS' WEAR TO JANTZEN WHITE STAG MEND NO-MEND HOSIERY All Colors Ship N Shore Blouses a Artemis Lingerie Gossard Girdles and Bras Draa Coats Suits Dresses Dressea Costume Jewelry VILATE'S SHOP Heber City MEAT fEAT PROCESSING KAMAS VALLEY MEAT PACKERS Slaughtering Processing IrOC i Locker Meats feats CRAIG RASMUSS N Phone Kamu 2872 or 2346 |