Show MARION The Marlon Ward Primary Preparation meeting was held Thursday March 3 at nt the chapel under direction of 01 President Florence Floronce Flor Flor- ence once The standard was was discussed by Barbara Darbara Simpson The In In training lesson The Age of Accountability was presented by Orpha Smith Bishop AndrUs and Councilor George Simpson met with the Primary leaders and led in a discussion dis on an the lesson Those present present present pres pres- ent besides the tho Bishopric were V and Irene Andrus Florence Mar Flor- ence Rockhill Orpha Smith Barbara Bar Bar- bara sara Simpson and Shirley Best Dest Fast and Testimony meeting was as held after alter Sunday School March 6 6 Carlos Smith son eon of ot Mr Hr and Mrs Carl Smith was confirmed con eon firmed a member of the church by his father |