Show Parents Visit School Today A Parents Visiting Day will y bt held at North Summit Thursday March 3 today with the ho hoPi hop that since this Is U the Ow commence commencement ment meat of the th fifth term the par par- ants enta may moy be able to lend assistance assistance assist assist- ance to their students student In the final weeks of the current school year The entire dRY day will be set aside for tor the vI visits in an attempt L tc to avoid the congestion of the last las t visiting day The lne parents will PICK pica up his students report card at the office then proceed to the v Various departments Each I IF is advised to have a schedule of the classes attended by the students student h. h Commencing at 9 am a.m. until 10 the parents of students whoso whose surnames begin with A and B n will be asked to visit Thereafter the schedule Is as ns follows 10 13 to 11 C to G Inclusive 11 to 12 J ir Ii to M inclusive 1 to 2 pm p.m. Nto N Nto Nto to 11 R Inclusive e 2 to 3 S Sand and T 1 3 to 4 U to Z |