Show H HAPPENINGS Mrs John And And- Is la spend spendIng ing lug this week WP-ek in Ogden where she I 1 Is visiting with h her r daughter and son son-in in sort and ml family Mr and MM Mt-a. Quinn Murray The Murray's Murrays cl d n R new baby babyboy babyboy babyboy boy Into then their fun inn Uy lIy on Sat Sat- February 1 weighing 8 9 81 1 dies libs 5 0 oz Th Tito Murrays Murray's have hate three other child n n Johnnie and Jo Thi Tho ni ay y In ad addition ad to Mr and Mrs MIa John Anderton And erton has Ivan hon Murray as a D. grandparents MORDY'S STORES WATCH For FOP OurE Our E EASTER A S T E R P PA PARADE A i tADE A D E Mrs Hazel Hozel Richi of Henefer and Orem is report to be doln doing very well and ond is i h ick uk at home homo in Orem following surgery in a Provo Pro hospital Jack Ferguson law in-law of Mr and Mrs John iderson Is reported to be n To rug very vert well after u uses and abrasions In a n true dent kUnt Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- He ire was Iud lurk ot of having any broken bones I IAn i iAn An early birthday was I enjoyed by Mrs Airs Lillian ft trotter ter Sunday at aL the home borne of ot h her r h neph ph hew Mr and Mrs Mra Clinton nOn fond Other guests were her brother Alma Alina nand Bond and hIs li son lion n Roy Mr Mrs Foster loster who will celebrate her BOth birthday Wednesday M March 2 will spend 8 several t ral days In Og den with her 8 son n Mr MI and Mrs Prod Fred Foster II Henefer's Homemakers Club will meet on Friday March 11 at nt atthe atthe the Henefer Ward Chapel ra ra- ra ports Mrs Melva press dent Miss Naomi Jensen Home Agent will give n a demonstration on quick mixes in tho the kitchen Her demonstrations demon are always very practical and of at benefit t to l those who attend |