Show Mrs Matilda Eldredge Frazier Fraser er Coalville Native 80 Years Old Mrs Mrs Matilda Eldredge Frazier was born in la Coalville Feb Fob 19 1880 to Sarah Burr Durr Sta er and Ira Edgar Eldredge She received her education in Coalville One of the outstanding experiences experiences she vividly remembers is being called on to help Dr FrenchI French I whom she ahe worked for tor for tor many years to assist in the amputation of a hand hanl as all a are re rev result suIt sult of ot gangrene Leaving the employ of ot Dr French she went to work tor for Mrs Lowes Lowe's boarding house and the New Park Hotel in Park ark City but sciatica forced her to discontinue discontinue discon discon- working A romance of ot seven even years yeara culminated cul cul- in marriage to a zealous young young red red haired haired university student student stu stu- dent dent John Johp Leonard Leonrd 0 Frazier Fraler ler on Dec flee 20 19 1905 by Bishop The marriage w was we later solemnIzed solemnized solemn solemn- i In the Salt I Lake Tempie Tern Tem pie Vie j They Thay had a family o of pf t q n chit chit- den dean which included three thee seta aeta ta of or twins J The youngest son was Val killed in World War II n. Two other children chil ebil- dren died in latency infancy This happy anniversary day was waa anxiously awaited b by her children who were thankful she ehe bad ud re recovered Yered from her illness to enjoy the day dart Surrounding their mother lather and t the e evening with a buffet birthday luncheon in her ber home bome at Fremont Ave s Suit Salt a Lake City were her children Flowers of pink roses white car ear i rl k J t 71 k o It f l-i l T M RS FRAZIER nations and a a. birthday r cake as the added to th the t a lou I Mrs Mra F FeN Mother Harold and his wiCe salmon Imon EldI Eldredge Eldredge Eld- Eld I redge redge sent her a beautiful Haw Haw- I allan necklace t and ad ad a letter reminIscent reminiscent of ot their theft t day at home w which l h she much The evening was spent pent pentI pl S games and visiting We ar are now ao to to an Open House for tor her bel when her brother returns from a Hawaiian Haw allan alien mission which will wUI be a sometime sometime some some- m. m time this summer said her het fam tam U ily |