Show L vt Increasing ng Activity and Business Business' Cause Growth of Ranger Station Except for tor the exterior paint the Kamas amas Ranger Station remodeling remodeling remodeling eling job has now been ed This job has about bout doubled the useable space within the office olce and was necessitated by increased ed activity and business on the Kamas llamas District We would be happy to have visitors inspect the office any week Monday through Friday Inclusive in In- In The present organization now consists of Corinne Pitt clerk receptionist receptionist receptionist re re- re- re Reval Royal DavIes general district assistant Frank Grover Forester handling grazing plans plane and analysis analysts Elmer V V. Richards as assistant ranger and Ken Maughan l as district ranger Timber Cut According to Ken Maughan district manager during calendar year 1959 there was cut on the Kamas District seven million two hundred twenty thousand board feet teet of lodgepole pine and Engelmann spruce Of this board feet teet 4 4 board feet teet or 63 per cent of the total was cut In Summit County Blazzard Lumber Company of ot Kamas Great Lake Timber Company Company Company Com Com- pany of or Hailstone Greys River Lumber Company of Kamas Rothe Lumber Company of ot Midway Midway Mid Mid- Id- Id way Reed Smithies of ot Kamas and Union Timber Company of ot Kamas cut the bulk of ot the timber tim tim- b ber er I I In addition to quite I Ia I a number of ot corral pole sales eales v ere v-ere ere made not only to local people people peo pee pie but to people from Salt Lake valley Of Of- particular importance to Summit County is the fact that 25 per cent of the gross receipts from timber Umber grazing and fees tees on onuses uses Hides such as Sites I summer homes and commercial I enterprises such auch as lodges and other improvements constructed on National Forest lands is reto returned returned re re- re- re turned to the county The amount which each county receives is isi i rated pro according to acreage lot jot forest land within the county Kamas Is rapidly becoming a I lumber center and in addition to toI I th the timber cut locally much timI timber tim tim- ber bel Is hauled in from tram other areas I I processed here re and shipped by truck to various markets Within a II short time the sales program for tor 1960 will be announced It will undoubtedly Include timber on the Upper Setting Shingle Setting Creek area I |