Show Win Wm B Berrys Berry's rry Give rive Birthday I Par Part Mr and Mrs Wm f T t i J iry ry ry entertained entertained en en- at a a t r ty r ty at their home Monday February 29 honoring their dau daught h t. t rs Wilma Wll- Wll ma Berry Derry r on her eighth birthday correct Wilma was a leap i 5 j i ab aby of 1928 1923 and has haa hat hal a few real ireal birthdays I I She he has bas c celebrated d Q each year of ot course Feb Febu r Fehn t ty y 28 58 but tout it it has been fun wl wh r t the leap years rolled roped around family gamily dinner was enjoyed by members embe of the Derry Berry Berryand and Larremore families s and the pf of honor received many beautiful gifts |