Show 0 0 A 00 U I fh f tait dI U. U GALAXIES S Galaxies t of Ii q i price field You Yo can an choose from three completely birds and the Ford the tha new Hour kinds of Fords Forda the beautiful Falcon Whatever your parse parse-or or pur pure purpose 1 1900 Fords onla the Blain Qua Thunders Thunder pose theres there's theres on one just juat right for tor yo you J fa e I. I I FALCONS S Throe luxurious style eaf soft lOwe pric il I k oI JT Pl Dd nd root roof car in tho world Tho 1110 io Oft on t. t j 4 WAt WAGONS Fix ve NA husky bUll models model vans leader of all aD Com oom i bJ the tho b big cara owl ant t Priced tf for and p parcels parcel q If l t nun mos space pace people 4 44 J outstanding performance 1 lot thaD ha last t year year We fg 9 S 8 St I t C I o III ty ties t B sew W trait nil oI 1160 I. lords ato no rod R RP J t w of II Uie ee sees rom Fads il Ii pg JOGI lie BritH tol Ford fed d ip I semis a ew-aed ew c II rr weM pies GRAND CRANDALL CRANDALL WALIER WALKER ALL W ALIER M I IVl l ORS Coalville Utah Only Ford Dealers Sell A A l 1 USED C CARS ARS AND Tit TH 5 J 9 H U l rT 1 J. J Cla Classified I nI a r Business Directory A QUICK REFERENCE OF RELIABLE BUSINESS FIRMS SERVICE EX EXPERTS ERTS BAKERIES 1 r 7 r SEITER'S BAKERY Special ii Cakes Made lade Ia e To Order for Birthdays Parties Weddings Quality Bakery Goods of All AU Kinds Catering Service 62 North Main Ph h. h Heber 84 Heber Heber- City SHOE REPAIR ALLENS ALLEN'S SHOE REPAIR I Satisfaction Guaranteed 7 Quick Economical Service W We c- c r Sp Specialize in in in Boot Doot Repairs North North Main Open Open to to 6 Heber City FARM EQ EQUIPMENT ANDERSONS ANDERSON'S FARM STORE J Headquarters for fot fort t IHO 1110 Trucks TJ Tractors Tractor and Farm Machines 5 S S. S Main Ph rh Heber 11 Heber City FURNI FURNITURE uRE r 1 t I STEVENS HOME FURNISHINGS Leo Color Carpets Hoover r Vacuums Call Collect Collect- Well We'll Well We'll make Free fue estimates on Carpeting Ph m ber ComI Complete let Furnishers Heber City f CLEANERS WASATCH CLEANERS Fri Fr t Pick pp and Delivery at Summit Hotel Kamas E Keep tl the e fashion f n you buy bur with our ourI I f r nit nu Dry Ph Heber 60 CO g 6 South Main Heber Reber City FUEL OILS OILS' Filtered Metered Fuel Full l Budget Plan ice Sen-ice Policy A A complete servicing of your Heating Plant FREE FREI O owe a yew year taJ ASHTON OIL TRANSPORTATION Ph Heb Hehr r City FOOTWEAR POLL OLL PARROT SHOES nOEa for Boys Boyr and a Girls CITY COMPANY I 1 s. s I aoe Barter order orr your you yourI I I rt J listing ng now w No n gad nd d t to miss mUt t calls ll lust Just beau e u uth I th the phone phon you NOli u use Is It listed H Ud under another name I If Ir you rent a room II d' d J Irean ue Ire e eI I an apartment or live w with relatives a ad d listing insures insure that s- s sar Jr ar j name number and imd add r ten au tenI I will wilt be included In thi tn n rw JW i directory at L a surprie I low cost To ord order er p p proon 1 Ton one listings just C evil dl the i telephone business busine g Pico ice Slates Tek it rs I II I I V J Sara e t Ir A X r- r aI tp S NF 0 74 I 1 i I A 7 APPLIANCES General Electric Refrigerators Ranges Automatic W Washers ers Phil Philco co TV and Radio ANDERSONS ANDERSON'S HARDWARE STORE N N. Main Ph lIeber 12 Heber City MORTUARIES MORTUARY r po Park City City Ph Ph Heber City City Ph Ph 77 r Roosevelt Roosevelt Ph FLORISTS t L HEBER HEDER VALLEY FL FLORAL RAL iI Flowers for All AU Occasions amons w J Weddings Birthdays Anniversaries Co Corsages S S. S stain frain fa n Ph City I t Jr UPHOLSTERING N THOMPSON UPHOLSTERING fG SHOP b Call us eO collect ct upholstering f JJ l Free ee an and y fl O V 1 at a. a rh Ni I. I lIeber City CH CHILDREN DRENS READY READY- WEAR READY W rO-W AR Buster Duster Brown Quality tty Knitwear for for Boys Boys s and Girls Lit LU Frocks for tor Children ii Tiny for Easter HED HEBER n. n CITY EXCHANGE H. H COMPANY FINANCING INSURANCE W WASATCH ASA FINANCE COMPANY Small Loans Insurance nce North Main Ph Heber Heber pity LADIES LADIES' WEAR READY WEAR READY JANTZ JANTZI N WHITE STAG NO MEND nOSIER HOSIERY All AU Colors Colura 0 Ship N Shore Blouses Art Artemis mia Lingerie Girdles and Bras Draa Coats Suite es Costume Jewelry VILATE'S SHOP Heber eber City |