Show Braves Tie Down Cage I Title tIe with wath Victory Meet Wasatch Meet Wasatch Soon to Pick Real Region Six Champion Set Place North Summit North Summit High Schools School Braves Draves clinched first place In Inthe Inthe Inthe the Jordan Division and a place In the Class B D state tournament when they defeated Grantsville 67 to 61 61 at Coalville Friday night The Braves trailed by one point at the quarter but lel led thereafter 35 20 and 52 Brave Drave scoring Bullock 18 G Brown Drown 11 Robinson 6 12 12 11 H. Brown 2 Pace 13 Judd 5 and Geary 0 0 O. Wasatch defeated Morgan 62 to 45 to remain undefeated and second place plate In the Summit Division will go to the winner of or a play-off play between Judge and South Rich each in second place in Jordan and Summit Park City won a thriller from South Summit 60 to 58 The Wildcats rallied in the final frame but could not catch th the the- Miners The game left leCt the Ute tW two teams tied for fourth place with 36 38 Playoffs between North Summit Summit Sum Summit Sum Sum- mit and Wasatch will be held la Ira either cither the East High School or University of Utah Field How House a according c cord I n g to Superintendent Chipman This game will determine th the Region 6 winner but will not af affect affect at- at placement In the Class B D tournament to be held March 1 15 1 1 19 Judge Memorial and South Rich teams will also have playoffs playoffs play play- offs os to determine third place win winner ner net in Region 6 and an opportunity opportunity opportunity unity to participate In the tournament tournament ament |