Show City Cash MarketIs Market Is Gutted by Fire dire 1 Stocks Fixtures and Equipment Are fire Heavily Damaged Sunday Tho City Cash Market of Park City was extensively damaged by tire lire which caused damage to to stocks fixtures and equipment amounting to several thousand dollars Sunday morning February 33 38 The lire of undetermined origin ort ori gin gins was WM discovered when Mrs I Kayo daye Roach night operator on I Idu du duty y at the Mountain States Telephone Telephone Tele Tele- I phone and Telegraph Company answered the signal on the switchboard from the tho City Cash Market telephone When she received no answer to her number please she became became became be be- came suspicious and nd called Benny Denny combination man maa manfor manfor for the Telephone Company who came to the office and called night policeman William Ryan and the two men proceeded to the store alore and looking Into the building building build build- ing saw dense smoke tilling filling the interior General Tire Fire Al Alarm rm rmA A general fire tire alarm was wad sounded sound ed and soon the 38 members of ot the Park City Volunteer Fire Department Department Department De De- were on hand and Fire Chief William J. J Berry Derry enlisted other Park City men as volunteers volunteers volunteers volun volun- and the long tough Gold cold old battle to subdue the blaze w was is on The fight tight lasted until 6 o o'clock l ck Sunday evening when the tired hall half frozen fire lire fighters felt i It was safe sate to leave the building with a watchman to look out for lor fora lora a break out during the night The fire caused a great amount of dense choking smoke which poured out of ot the building and n made ade it Impossible to enter and locate the blaze Denny Benny a fireman donned ed edan an oxygen mask but was wall overcome at the entrance to the etore store and Fire Chief Berry Derry issued orders that no one was to enter the building Smoke Hurt Effort This choking smoke greatly handicapped the firemen who Sought ought the blaze from the outside The floor of the store apparently apparent apparent- ly fell feU Into the basement about 4 am a.m. carrying all aU stock and equipment in the front portion of the store into the blazing base base- ment The walk walk walk-in la cooler and large meat counter and other equipment equipment equipment equip equip- ment of ot the tho meat meLt department did not drop into the basement It is b damaged by hel heat t and smoke It Is believed the lire originated ed in the tho basement of the foot brick structure about midway mid mid- way in the length of the building causing the floor to collapse into InLo the basement So iSo much water was poured Into Into into in In- to the building firemen had to I pump it out of the basement Sunday afternoon Ambulance Nol Not Needed Benny Denny was waa t taken to his home after being overcome by smoke and after rest and medication recovered with no ill effects from his hla experience The ambulance was kept at the I scene but was not needed needed- I Sirs Mrs Mary tary Mrs Irs i Thelma Lindsay and Mrs Site Olga I JAImo Almo formed a a. coffee brigade In InIa Ina ina Ia a warm Main lain Street building where the firemen came to rest aud partly thaw out their frozen clothing and drink hot coffee cottee rho Tho temperature was below zero and this helped hamper the efforts of firemen In fighting the tire fire Great credit is due the Park City Volunteer Fire Zire Department and Fire Chief Derry Berry and the added volunteers who confined tho the blaze to the brick structure which housed the City Cash Cashar Market Mar Mar- arke ke ket Hope for Rebuilding Had the fire gotten out of control con con- trot it would have undoubtedly consumed the two large unoccuPIed led fed frame buildings on the south of t the market market and n no telling h how many other business buildings buildings' on on Main Street The sturdy brick structure withstood the fire with no great damage apparent which was most fortunate fortunate for Park City Mr and Mrs Irs John limo Almo and Mr proprietors of this title fine modern market are area a among ong Park City's most highly respected ted citizens and and businesspeople business businesspeople people and the entire communIty community community ity 1 Is deeply grieved that this unfortunate fire ire should have struck their fine market and it itis itla la is the sincere re hope and wish of their many friends and customers they Will will decide to continue on in business In our community The insurance adjusters are ale still working on the estimated loss and cause of the fire Their investigations are not completed at this time |