Show h 11 o Rye Arils y View Vi y yBy fly By MAC Monda Monday Tuesday heed 1 e spent ent 2 24 21 hours houts r In fn tl ber SHy lt and enjoyed every minute of it We have loved that community 1 Over since Place 1946 when we i left Lett tt Vernal V At dawn and u o O e down Into Inlo the Ue valley at et Am am a.m. Some observations Cafe food coats cotts It less In Heber t H tj peo pea people pie like other Utah Ulah natives take the beauty of their valley for granted the alpin Mortuary Mortuary ary has hat a larger stock of caskets cas cu- kete than you usually see lee In a large city mortuary looking about at nil alt those lovely ely I t couldn't help bit remember the story of the tho guys who threw a ding in to H II mortuary and when on one of ot thora thu tho thumen thumen ra men n passed pasted out they put him to toled lied led tIn In a casket Ills IUs awakening j In the t morning sobered him up forever I i Situated on Highway 40 Heber lIeber doesn't mind having the highway run down the tho middle of Main Street Its dependence upon tourist tourist tour tour- I 1st trade le is enormous I I There are more pretty girls In the First Security Bank than one sees seu In a group most anywhere else except else except In the South Summit High School at Kamas Kamal Heber lIeber City still aUll has old old fashion ed telephones They've been pu put elf elt an on changing to dial year I alter year year The town wan wad Monday about an odd I incidence a car collision on onIce I Ice early Sunday on the theay way ay I to church between Bishop Dishop Smith head of or the Heber Reber Exchange j I and his first councillor who ho is 18 cad ead of ot the comp competing Safeway more Heber lIeber City people peaple are are I more t i friendly r l I e end n d 1 y and neighborly per or capita than of people in I lots Ils of places It was wu bitter cold 18 below Monday morning But In In- Jim newspaper per office wash room it was 30 Sp below boloW Ma Maybe be 4 40 Strange Behavior inthe In la lathe th the mo motel el 19 lobby br You cant ant ge get Channel Two You u switch 6 to o Channel Ten w cl clis is is where that pro program Ig Ix to tc when it hits the iha peaks at Tim I like Heber lieber City City Mac ac |