Show 49 26 Iii g i 11 MOBILE t c 1 i k L Lri ri J is GARDENS 90 43 90 ay fORr St 63 WANES t By Edward Collier Sun kissed beaches and islands of the Mississippi Alabama Gulf GuU Coast provide an enchanting Magic Circle ircle auto trip that skirts the Gulfs Gulf's blue waters gay with boats and sun worshippers Along the beautiful beach highway are majestic homes picturesque old hotels shin shiny new mot motels ls At flay Bay Jay St. St Louis is is' Jean La La- fittes pir Pirate te House and on Ship Island served by excursion boat from Gulfport is to historic old Fort Massachusetts Famous landmarks are the Biloxi Lighthouse Light Lights house and Beauvoir the proudly preserved last home bome of Jefferson Davis Other regional highlights include Blessing of the Shrimp Fleet at Biloxi and Pascagoula and Gulf Gulfport ports port's Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo And for Indian lore and fine old homes visit Pascagoula Alabama's Alabama contributions to the motorist include exquisite Bellingrath Bellin- Bellin grath Gardens with seasonally appropriate flowers Dauphin Island with its photogenic beaches beach- beach es and historic Fort Gaines overlooking overlooking overlooking over over- looking Mobile Bay scene Icene of Admiral Farragut's Civil War victo victory and nd gracious Mobile famed fame for tor its colorful Azalea Trail Festival I |