Show Elder Peterson Is Leader at Conference The South Summit U IdS 8 quarterly quarterly terl terly Stake Conference was held In Kama KamM Fob Feb 27 nand and 28 38 A large crowd Attended the the Leadership Lel and Welfare meeting Saturday evening g Elder r Mark E. E leter Peterson on member member Council Counell ot or I Twelve A Apostles directed all aU meetings With him was Elder Stewart B B. B of the General Church Welfare Staff The meetings Sunday were conducted b by President Ralph A. A Richards Prayers In ln the Ule morning session were given by High Councilman Clifford Roach and D Bishop An An- drus Music was waa furnished b by bythe bythe the park School mixed chorus under the direction of Grant Peel with Janet Reed need accompanist ac ac- Prelude and postlude music was waa by Dale Hair Bair Darwin Oakley Ward was ordained an Elder Dale Marchant Peoa Peon Ward was or ordained ordained ordained or- or a Seventy Speakers were President Ralph Richards Thelma Maxwell and High Councilman Clifford Maxwell Maxwell Max Max- well who report reported d on on th their lr labor mission for 2 2 years year In New Zealand Zea- Zea land President 0 O. O Reed need Marchant Marchant Mar Mar- chant Stewart B B. B Eccles' Eccles and Elder Elder El El- der Mark E. E Peterson In la the afternoon session music was waa furnished b tot bt the Kamas Ward choir conducted by John Owen with Mae Mae Atkinson and Roberta Morrisey accompanists Prayers were by High Councilman Council Council- man Albert Wagstaff and High Councilman Guy Dronson Branson Speakers were President Thomas Thom Thom- as L L. L Leler Lefler Alton Afton Marchant president of the Stake Relief Society Elder Eider Stewart B B. B Eccles and Elder Mark MarkE E. E Peterson It was one of the largest conferences conferences con con- conI I held in South Summit Stake i |