Show Lent Observed at Saint Marys Mary's Friday March 4 1960 1900 First Friday of the month pm p.m. Mass and devotions in honor of or the Sacred Heart Henrt and Stations of i the theo Cross Saturday March 5 First Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- of the tho month dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary 10 tilt 12 Religious instructions Altar servers practice 4 till 5 pm p.m. Confessions pm p.m. Mass I Sunday March 6 First Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day of Lent Beginning of Lent Lent- en Easter Communion season Holy Communion Sunday 8 am a.m. Low Mass Mass 10 am a.m. High Mass Mas 1130 am nm Mass In Heber City Monday March 7 St. St John of Aquinas Tuesday March 8 St. St John ot of God Cod Wednesday March 9 St. St Fran Fran- New York Rev llev and Mrs Foster recently enjoyed a trip to the British Isles aslee They send their kindest regards to their many Park City friends One of the highlights ot of the social season was the announce ement e. e mont ment party given by Mr and Mrs W. W D D. D Sutton at their home in Park City announcing the engagement engagement engagement en en- and marriage in the spring of their son William E. E Sutton and Miss Olenna Glenna Allgood This week Dentist R K n. E E. E Wight sold his dental practice and eq ment of Dr J. J E E. E Zimmerman of Eudora Kansas who came to us highly recommended Dr Wight will go Into business in Salt Lake Cl City ty Joel C. C Perry one of Park ark City's oldest citizens died at his home here of an acute heart at ate tick He lie was born in Battlesburg Vermont May 4 1841 He came to Park City 30 years yeaM ago and was wasa a hoisting engineer at the Ontario and Daly mines with the record o o of never having had an accident I In in hoisting me men and ore during Ms Pia many years of work lie He was wasa a highly respected citizen clUzen of ot Park City CHy honored member of Lodge No 7 FAM FA I for fore forty years and a member of Mountain Chapter No Z 2 Order Eastern Star Liar Funeral under the auspices of the Masonic order Survivors widow two sons and two daugh daugh- Thursday night Policeman Geo Oeo Kelly unaided and alone raided an an opium joint over in Chinai Chinatown Chinatown China China- i town arresting Jim Leo Lee and Kno Ino Grig Ong the proprietors together with John Doe a stranger who was waa hitting the pipe and got gothold gothold gothold hold of all th the paraphernalia Inthe in inthe inthe the den The two were released on bonds furnished by Julian the restaurant man In Inthe Inthe Inthe the sum of or They with John Doe will appear Monday with their a attorney torney Henry Shields before the judge ce ces of Rome Spring Ember Day abstinence from me meat t for adults and youth from 7 on pm p.m. Mass and Novena devotion devotion devotion de de- de- de in honor of Our Mother of or Perpetual Help Friday March 11 Spring Ember Ember Ember Em Em- ber Day pm p.m. Mass lass and Stations of ot the Cross Crass A sincere vote of thanks goes to all members of the committee and workers for their fine co cooperation cooperation co co- operation In making St. St Marys Mary's Spring bazaar a success in every way The sympathies of ot the pastor and the parish are ore extended to Mr and Mrs John Alma Almo and Mr Frank for the tragic loss they sustained when the City Cash Market was destroyed destroyed des des- troyed by fIre Mr was visiting In Alabama with his sister sis sister sis sis- t ter r whom whom he he had not seen for thirty nine years who I is from Argentina The owners are members members mem mem- I b bers rs of this parish It is the hope of nil all ll of ot us that they will be beable beable able ble to r rebuild the market S St. St Marys Mary's Gagers chalked up another victory last week They defeated Our Lady of Lourdes from Magna Mogna The next game will win willbe be he played March C G at T. T l pm p.m. m. m it t Judge Memorial Gym in Salt Satt Lake Cit City The Lenten Season began this week Lent a fast of forty du a excluding Sundays is observed annually by the Church and will last until until Easter the feast j the of Our Lord Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning ot of lent takes Its name from an early rite of the church when penance was imposed in sackcloth sackcloth sackcloth sack sack- cloth and ashes on repentant sinners Current Church rites prescribe that the ashes blessed on this day be obtained by the burning of palms or green branches pleased on Palm Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day of ot the proceeding year All the faithful who have reached their twenty first birthday birthday birthday birth birth- I day are obliged to fast on nil all I week days during lent This means that they may take only one full meal and two lesser ones ones not to equal more than the food taken at nt the main maln one Nothing is to be eaten between or after meals This obligation is not imposed on those jho reach reach their fifty nineth birthday or have not reached the age of twenty During the days of fast tast those who are required to do so may eat meat only once n R day Every Catholic is 18 s required to abstain from eating meat eating meat on all Fridays of the year and on Ash Wednesday and Holy Saturday Sat Sat- |