Show mrs A H holtman suddenly called I 1 what came as a severe shock to the community in general was the sudden and sad death early wednesday morning 0 mrs myrtle peterson Pe torson holtman beloved wife of mr A H holtman mrs holtman was tn in her usual good health andrad and i had returned monday from a lew few gays days camping trip on the provo river tuesday afternoon about tour four while attending to her household duties shel was suddenly a stroked stroke completely paralyzing lier her left gidej A physician was immediately e I 1 7 ca called ailed I 1 e slid and all possible was do done t to save t the h ladys libei life but at tour four lollock lo loci clock ock wednesday morning death was victorious now how uncertain Is life jone one m minute anute love happiness and contentment I 1 Is jaup up reme in an ideal ho in the an ail eye as it were the grim reaper enters the llIght and life t of I 1 the home is strick stricken enand and desolation helplessness and sorrow envelopes those left to mourn truly it Is said in the midst of lire life we are in death and none can fully realize such a death as that of last wednesday when a fond mother Is ie taken from her home where a large family needs tier her love and guidance only those who have passed through the dark ordeal god pity the bereaved father and motherless children and may HO ahe give both strength and courage to the stricken ones oies la in tie lie t ie dais of tal bilal al and Jice lIce hat lies them mrs myrtle byrtle FoZ fogerson Poter erson sou holtman was acra in austin nevada 42 years ago she was married to mr holtman twenty years ago and has made her home in park city for the past seven years she Is survived by her husband and live five children dorothy bob scott bulle billie and jack the oldest being 18 and the youngest es t just passed two years mrs airs holtman attended our high school graduating with the class of 1908 af mrs rs holtman Hol was one of those motherly women whose life Is wrape up in her home kind and devoted she was admired by all who knew her and her sudden taking away Is deeply mourned by loved ones neighbors and friends funeral services will be held sunday at 2 0 c lock from the community church burial w will III be in wasatch lawn cemetery salt lake city |