Show paricity los angeles picnic held sunday A day dai ot of the year as aa a mutual friend gideon snyder expressed it when one forgets the cares and worry of work and business and relaxes from the tense strain ot of watchfulness ne necessary cesary in the competition tor for a livelihood with a 9 comfortable for table feeling that he Is among true friends and neighbors such Is the oc 1 caslon of the annual picnic of farmei former park city people now living in southern california which was celebrated on sunday july in na south park los aar geles in the absence of president parley smoot dr L IT arrived early on the scene to make preliminary orrange arrangements range ments reserve tables tor for the picnickers fill ell and get heat under the newly purchased generous sized coffee urn as with joyous expectancy the throng began to assemble the meetings and happy greetings la in most cases being the first exchanged since the last picnic and in m many n y cases the first tor for years and years no set program or artificial aids were needed it was joy enough jor for everybody to meet everybody and converse on topics past and present mutually interesting the tables being spread a least feast of good things was enjoyed the committee serving hot coffee and topping off with individual lee ice cream bricks during the afternoon julius frankel acting as chairman the following officers were proposed and accepted for the ensuing year arz IT IT deighton president C ji haueter first vice president fred pudge fudge second vice i president mrs Cromp toni third vice president JW J W geiger gelleri Gel geri secretary treasurer WA iwa had correspondent rev bert foster chaplain T A letter ot of greetings was read from mr and mrs airs chas shields to which the secretary was as ordered ordered to respond with love and well wishes from all assembled ad it was suggested i that the secretary send greetings on the occasion of the salt lake park city picnic and while it As Is too late abis year that next year felicitation be sent to the san francisco Par kites in picnic assembled the I 1 financial exhibit of secretary tre trea surer gelger geiger shows as follows I 1 1 june 14 1931 balance cash on hand 1515 june 17 1932 collected 2400 24 00 disbursements coffee urn 9 4 00 coffee sugar cream 3 63 62 two pitchers post cards ond and printing ten gallons lee ice cream plates and spoons 1200 12 00 2662 26 62 I 1 july 17 1932 balance on hand 1 12 53 rev bert foster the beloved chaplain being called upon responded in hla always happy vein rein citing two things va bich had been particularly impressed upon him in the trying times through ehla N we are now no passing one was ho how w the w worth 0 r th of friendship tar far outweighs material wealth and the other was baw men of true worth had shown their a strength of character men who had lost all material possessions and were penniless and yet whose integrity was too deep rooted for or them to be shaken from their high ideals rev foster closed with the hope that by the grace ot of god we all might happily meet again one year hence those alio e present marshal pearson mr and mrs fred fudge miss olive fudge mr and mrs frank fernette Fer netto and family mrs ta A fernette dr and mrs L IT and tamly mrs max meharg mr and mrs C J haueter lamont lament haueter IF F J mclaughlin laughlin ln mr and mrs J W gelger geiger and family mr and mrs gideon snyder and family mr and mrs airs wm win E scales J W scales S L mr and mrs ed firmage and family lols lois whitman phyllls phyllis aalboe joe cheever douglas wentworth mrs dow mott mrs gilda mott mosbach mrs lillian van alstine sounders saunders mr and mrs J frankel mr and mrs george frankel and family mr air and mrs john C phillips chas phillips vincent phillips memphis blackburn J june une bryson mr and mrs wm win G onell oneil and family mr and mrs airs jack bess and family mr and mrs V J kuban and family sherman fargo eleanor wyckoff mr air and mrs T W andrew and family robert E andrew mr and mrs W A wilima N mima I 1 im AI macdonald a donald mr and mrs J H L lanyon anyon Ms mrs mary E staples harry W thomas W B R weber goo geo E weber mr and mrs IT L connelly dr and mrs IT I 1 H 1 deighton mrs gertrude wood mrs airs joan wood mr and mrs lira E IT agnes kelly F C merrick mr and mrs C W fitch mr and mrs leo shields mrs mary E crompton mr and mrs geo N X quinn mr and mrs A J efting mr and mrs jack townsend mr and mrs R Q macdonald mrs carrie lundquist mr air and mrs L B wight hettle hettie wight R T gwilliam geo F dunning frieda young dunning mr and mrs wayne decker jas D berry mrs sam payne alice ohagan emma payne mary payne mrs lots lois i billings betty billings mr and mrs emmet moreton and mary both beth mr and mrs lynn sutton bert mills chas herron mr and mrs mac mcgregor mrs frank fleishman mrs mary mcalevy mrs W E mawhinney and son felix mcalevy mr air and mrs J J hunt mrs W D richardson minnie jane and juanita N mrs s J R browning mr and mrs airs J C ohara hilra lorene watts irvine mrs mayme king mr mir end and mrs airs J E weeter mr and mrs airs L IT maurer mr and mis frank corrigan mr and mrs peter paul and dolores helen paul mr and mrs clyde paul and family carrie sutton susie sutton mr and mrs jack with er crow a and d daughter mr and mrs otis gus carl carlson mrs ir IT G bates rev and mrs bert foster miss daisy mrs J E mr air and mrs raymond wyckoff mrs wm win lefler mrs I 1 ruth montgomery joyce townsend mr I 1 and mrs R L andrew mr and mrs tom martin mr and mrs ray martin miss tennis martin personal mention 1 the pleasure of the event was enhanced by the presence of some who are still residents of park city who chanced to be visiting here notably i mr mrs a 4 1 I together with his daughter I 1 miriam and mr E D and family of provo everybody was glad to see sec dad and the hope was expressed that the date of their annual visit to i los angeles might be coincident with the date of the park city picnic I 1 e e J max meharg official coffee maker was c called from the city on business and unable to attend but dr and genial joo joe weeter saw to it that all were amply supplied joe also rescued the urn from an adjoining band 0 11 picnickers who were carrying it away by mistake or otherwise 1 i all were pleased please to see mr sherman fargo present his daughter frances together with mr buese and the children are making their home homo homowitz with mr fargo haying having rented their own home homa li i rev bert B ea fos foster ter isan great demand for or any and all occasions as aa he was in park city over forty years ago pe go ls 13 an ardent advocate ot of bimetallism andi and never loses an opportunity to i proclaim th atthe tree free coinage of silver la Is the one remedy for the present worldwide depression he Js an active member 0 of f the lions international and Is a delegate at the i international session being hold held in los Angeles this week j Is A photographer grouped the party and took a picture which will later be obtainable tai as souvenirs of the event mrs W D richardson accompanied by her daughters was present and as in other years saw to the sate safe transportation ot of mr and mrs bert ber t poster charley Hal haueter leter who was considered somewhat radical by the stand patters ot of the old parties years ago now feels justified in asking I 1 tell you this was going to happen mr and mrs J C phillips both past 80 years ot of age were happy to be present this year mrs airs phillips Is some blind yet maintains her cheerful disposition and Is able to do most of her housework e F r J hll ln knows aws everybody and remembers their names all were glad to greet him and to note his improvement in health mr and mrs ed hurlbut were una unable bl e to be present this year mrs hurlbut having a severe cold mr air and mrs airs will gillette were also missed having just lett left lor for a visit to the old home town 0 ed who has been very poorly tor for a year past Is on the improve and was glad to greet his old friends being accompanied by mrs airs and sister agnes kelly judge and mrs L B wight were happy visitors mrs wight has been in los angeles tor for some time with their son brayton who Is slowly but surely recovering from a long siege of illness jack and mrs ohara were late but arrived in time to cheerily greet everybody 0 charlie herron who was bookkeeper at the aschheim Asch helm store in the early days and lett left park city tor for south africa was glad to greet some of the real old timers who remembered him secretary J W gelger geiger tries to keep an up to date list of names and addresses but many tall fall to register and leave their new address and the mailed hotl notices do not reach them send your ces corre correct t address to john W geiger 35 knowlta place venice california W WAR A R mr air and mrs wm E scales and son the well known Par kites just happened down in los angeles in time for or the gr great t p picnic I 1 n I 1 which they enjoyed immensely M men sely ay they ey came down to visit lot for a couple of weeks with their eldest son prominent down this way in the movie picture game harry thomas formerly the head shoe i man at the M S aschheim Asch helm company in the years of long ago came up from his home city of santa ana to mingle with tho the old time he Is still selling shoes in a alne f ine exclusive shoe shop of which beis lieis proprietor he does not look a bit older than he did away back in 0 miss myrtle robinson that was in the good old days now mrs fitch was there with her perpetual smile and youthfulness dispensing and friendliness to the entire gathering i julius frankel and mrs airs frankel and son george were busy extending greetings ings s and being greeted by the greater greate r por portion t I 1 on ot of the happy throng gideon snyder and ana john W kelgor were constantly on the move striving to make everybody a bit happier as Is their habit at all these annual gatherings miss daisy patterson the dear little lady who thirty years ago conducted a candy and notion store in park city was there meeting long time friends for years miss patterson has been tot toti i ally blind but her pleasing personality and cheerfulness has not diminished one bit and the lady rad radiated real pleasure to the many who greeted and chatted with her I 1 i miss ariss mima macdonald daughter of our townspeople mr and mrs R W macdonald who is now making her home to in los angeles was among the many present and enjoyed meeting mandof many ct her friends and admirers after several years ail absence sence from her old home town t space will not permit the enumerating of all the good old Var kItes who were present it was simply a continual pleasure In ln meeting and greeting friends of bygone by gone days and pleasingly demonstrating i there are no friends me like the old friends |