Show HOT WEATHER WE A T H E R SPECIALS here hera they are at prices you can afford things to make your work easier and keep you cool and comfortable electric hot plate vacuum bottle one burner 1 pint size full size heatproof and waterproof keeps liquids hot or cod green porcelain plate green pebbled finish with large larga size enamel finish complete with ith cord aluminum drinking cup camp stools garden hose folding camp chairs made from heavy heary corrugated rubber heavy weight cotton cord i selected har hardwood dAood rigid construction between laneis or of fresh live rubber stron strong canias cam as sent seat 50 feet complete 9 window screens ice cream freezers 0 steel frames sturdy construction easy churning quick freelin freezing cannot warp adjustable improved dasher 2 quart size N johnf CP ham S ons tg t T TO C A U U WE EQUIPPED WITH WESTERN ELECTRIC SOUND SOL ND SYSTEM the magic sign sig of a wonderful time JULY 1932 TONIGHT and SATURDAY 2 dally daily july open feature P HI al united artists presents TH r W reckless Reck teSS loves lioves warring ruu run awl macii acs me taie through the eter eternal laal snows ot of the antarctic wastes PARAMOUNT SOUND SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY july open feature P al 11 L wi cat shift MAO I 1 41 AUVIE maezo PICTURE produced by I 1 van br corp dk d bw ca sound film record of adventure anade in the malayan COMEDY next et JULY DIRECT LAKE RUN BUN RICHARD DIX in roar of the dragon PARK CITY to OGDEN by TELEPHONE after P M only station to station rates plus federal tax on amounts over soc TELEPHONE TELE PHONE t ass 2 M M isaf M loc a gallon 15 gallons of r natural MINERAL water ir for i 4 nake e it your yourself sef with crazy 1 cry crystals also I 1 ae wo havo have the original i CURRIERS TABLETS 1 CENTRAL DRUG i main street lT laev EV 04 OR 44 fikri i t lo 10 fh fa l t thi j li H R t 4 eav M I 1 I 1 our en entire ilire line of A 0 0 er A bruens ruo SL 15 L ill I 1 to go at 11 44 prices that will pay 1 J 4 ti 31 ll 11 you to see ee us S bea before ore buying eleew elsewhere he re 1 i f 4 f give us an opportunity to quote you and seib see f for or gi 11 1 1 yourselves dont put off your I 1 WALL P PAPERING A P ERIN I 1 IT r stan longer we have el d ve very ani nite line of papers at prices that you cin can dia id 1 C i 1 nv iric r mens work shirts 31 4 r F I 1 F I 1 1 1 1 1 l fitl 4 Is ill 1 T I r r at extremely low prices I 1 50 docto C overalls fi to J 0 mens high grade work ii v to 1 I 1 l 0 ah ns aff leather 0 1349 9 46 9 G R 0 C Y department friers and ens for your sunday and monday dinner NEW SPUDS beechnut BUTTER 12 lbs glass 11 C 0 I 1 POTATO CHIPS see our lunch special for I 1 for the and I 1 this store will be closed monday july r fu u 0 g 9 |