Show community church plan outdoor servi sunday school 1000 a in pr preaching 1100 11 00 a in and p m junior church 1100 a in epworth league wednesday p in an all day church service in the hills Is planned for sunday july the place will be at the ontario mine we will appreciate the help of any friends who have cars and will give us a lift in trans transferring fering the people from the church to the place all members and friends of the church invited to plan to be with us and make it a real good dasy diy all who will go should be at the church promptly at a m so we can have the s sunday school service in the hills at 1000 a m and follow that with the preaching service then dinner all ali are requested to prepare a basket lunch to take with them after the eats acme sort of program and entertainment wi A I 1 be planned we will return home in the late evening and there will be no evening service in fix the church that day this Is a departure from the regular church program and a new experiment for us plan to be with us and help make it a success D A GREGG pastor |