Show spi til ae pilo arx ac 0 bothe ja y 9 I 1 11 ar ing ape ZI C ficen as 81 calap ell a za d sk ar buy uny pea ec A t s dinst incest n right TIOW now you car owners are sitting pretty you can buy more safe comfortable trouble free mileage for a dollar than in any previous summer you dont have to put up with second choice tires for reasons of economy because first choice tires cost you no more goodyear tires the kind we sell are first choice here throughout the state throughout the nation by more than 2 to 1 11 they outsell all others not because of any trick guarantees or phony inducements or special deals but simply because they give people the biggest moneys worth and people know it dont be argued out of the benefits to be had from the leading tires and our service jg y fl f s than W 0 fisl fc ts aft r u v njg j geli L lil 4 40 21 a 05 EACH in doirs single 3 98 tube lifetime guaranteed GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY Super twist cord tires 20 21 21 25 co each an esch fn pr T I 1 tn eia C IT h single 43 single single tube alco tube 10 tube 19 20 18 ff aa 5 9 99 gac ech each E h 5 CT ech each pra gnp dy lu la pr in lnor single sa single single tube SIS tube tube XI Kimb im imballi alFs balls garage phone K lapage H NOTARY PUBLIC at the park record office bartly mcdonough ATTORNEY AT LAW office at main street phone no 5 its R THE PARK RECORD j afi aft summit countes Coun tys leading newspaper 1 9 W IN W 3 T ladies T W has your supply of personal cards run out Q M j if so the record will print you a new supply 3 1 in the latest approved styles as low as per 1 16 special forthe for the summer 1 with every paid new subscription or renewal S t S the park record will give FREE one 1 adult f i ticket to park cites EGYPTIAN theatre V f jy this offer good until september 1st ast 1932 IN f 0 w 0 palace meat grocery grocer y PARK QUALITY MARKET Sym special IF I F ecial prices saturday and tuesday july and white king granulated soap I 1 mission bell soap FREE P G naptha soap 10 bars coffee hills pros bros red can lb 37 salmon red large can salad dressing quart size large corn flakes E elligs kellogs Kel logs 2 for shredded wheat 2 for bior tree tea green 12 lb ib pigs ac 1 ib pigs snow drift 2 ib can 3 lb ib can 6 ib can vegetables fresh every day carrots turnips beets green onions radishes rd dishes 5 bunches loc cucumbers 5 for new spuds red 12 lbs apricots now at their best large fruit lug MEAT department pot roast beef i ib u up p B legs roast lb ib 1 c V veal al 21 whole or half shoulder roast ib c legs roast ib KC pork whole or half s shoulder houlder roast ib 1 sausage pork 2 lbs ibs le legs lb B 1 20 l lamb shoulder roast lb BC shoulder chops lb phone 62 free delivery store will be closed monday july Li liberty bertle y domestic lump 0 e 00 per ton NEW WEBER fancy domestic lump 6 a ton this is the hardest coal mined in coalville Co alville district hot clean coal no soot no clinkers phone 80 P 0 box 25 I 1 ideal d e ca I 1 C coal 9 ah I 1 C co 0 6 sing a song of savings you can sing a song of real sa savings vinings P S and your feet perfectly dry i if bring your shoes here for repairs dont throw away that pair of shoes v until weve seen them and told you honestly whether or not nd they warrant rebuilding no charge for suggestions and most reasonable if for or actual work TRY US I 1 park city shoe hospital J J RYAN prop one door north of park floral shop S |