Show coalville Co alville news of thirty years ago from the filec of 0 the Co coalville alville times by C R JONES issue of april 11 1903 1902 on saturday about noon the six m months nt nth h old daughter ot of mrs janet ilar shall died from pneumonia ia the death was a severe blow to the mother whose husband was killed a lew few months ago in the coal mines at cumberland wyoming in g funeral services were held tuesday aate afternoon anoon elders C A callis and J H williams being the speakers q 0 elder franklin 0 marchant returned to his home in geoa peoa monday antei afeei r spending pending lour four years in the mission fields ot of new zealand A welcome home party was tendered him on his bis return a W edwin crittenden one ot of the pioneers ot of this county died at hoytsville last sunday april ath at the age ot of 71 years he had been an intense sufferer for over tour four years from a stroke deceased was bom in conway mass on january 1831 came to utah in 1863 and lived tor for a year in sugar house moving the hollowing Jol lowing year to Hoyt aville where he made his home to the time ot of his death was baptized a member ot of the mormon church in june 1868 by bishop alonzo winters and was a prominent worker up to the time of his illness he served for a number of years as counsellor to bishop winters funeral services were held fron the meeting house tuesday afternoon the r speakers being elders william sargent J J bowen of and wm H smith bishop frank croft and alma I 1 eldredge ot of coalville Co alville ab 40 our marion correspondent records the death at that place of L C larsen on friday april ath aged 52 years he was an early settler in the hamas valley and one ot of the prominent citizens of the county the funeral was held sunday the speakers being elders john K lemon lemen jr J C lambert daniel lewis sr er james hulme and ana M corbett 49 J T carruth came out from salt lake yesterday for ashert a short visit he will leave saturday tor for idaho falls idaho where he ha has secured a position as bookkeeper for the consolidated wagon and machine company 44 L R wilson a barber from salt lake cabe came out yesterday to work in the shop for a short time it if he likes the place he will remain here fr thomas rees had his toot foot quite badly mashed a few days ago while handling rock at the new bridge across chalk creek and was laid up for several days W 0 was feeling good saturday because of the arria arrival al at his home of a fine boy 41 A lump jump of coal weighing about 1000 pounds was taken from the wasatch mine this week and shipped to park city where it will be placed on exhibition 0 O 0 samuel robinson ot of upton was a Co coalville alville visitor this week the gentleman Is preparing to leave in about a week tor for canada where he be will make his home in the future |