Show lost lest you forget bring em back alive the greatest animal picture of 0 today made by that intrepid adventurer frank bu buk buck k will be shown three 3 days sunday monday and tuesday july find and als this super special was pre re leased in all cities where there Is an RICO orpheum theater and without exception the attendance at each run has hag broken all previous records salt lake city not excepted the egyptian is the first theatre to play bring em back alive after the prerelease pre release showing in it salt lake another 3 star picture coming soon Is states attorney featuring that peer of stage tame fame john barrymore the heroine Is helen states attorney presents a most sensational of murder trials with barrymore as the hanging prosecutor and will hold you spellbound throughout its entire length our own park record in addition to the many services it renders to its subscribers bers also gives you all the interesting news regarding the coming pictures ures the egyptian Is desirous of everyone taking our newsy newspaper and to that end Is operating cooperating co with the park record as per their special offer in their ad in this issue make a point each week to read at j the egyptian and the egyptian talkie notes column as well as the weekly ad on the back page jan james s ca cagney ey the star of crowd roars rea lra s and an kd taxi T axi Is also featured in winner take all coming friday and saturday Satu iday august esth and ath jimmie Is now in a controversy with warner bros over renewing his contract with the outcome doubtful at this writing so winner take all may be his last talkie see this 3 A star picture sure richard dixs newest picture roar of the tha dragon due next friday and saturday july and com comes es hero here direct from salt lake showing |