Show account of frank R snyders death franklin richards snyder eldest son of george 0 and caroline K snyder born at wellsville cache county utah december 8 1860 died at salt lake city july lath 1932 from pneumonia after an operation tor for hernia deceased came to park city utah with his family in 1874 where he lived until about twelve years ago when he moved to salt lake city where he since ince resided his early years were spent in ranching ranching and teaming later taking up el electrical work and was with the park city electric plant sever several al years he was also engaged in coal business in park city for sometime some time and later was janitor and engineer the school buildings ot of park city since moving to salt lake he had 1 employed lor for beveral years as at the newhouse hotel in 1888 he was married to miss williams daughter of 0 the late james A williams who was formerly a well and esteemed resident of park city children elsie and francis snyder together with their mother survive aie living at bait lake city the following brothers and sisters survive rifle jennie and gideon bynder mr mrs luna lun bowman and mrs shop shepherd all of f los angeles brig snyder of redondo california dr C C snyder of pasadena Pa california and IT G 0 snyder of salt lake city funeral services were held july at salt lake city during hla his long residence in this com mr air snyder was held in esteem by all who knew him he was man of high character and honest and straightforward in hta his deal ings inge with his hie lowman fellowman tel fel a devoted band and father and an ideal citizen passes on beloved and honored |