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Show TAFT TALKS WITH THE IMMIGRANTS NEW YORK, Oct. 1$. President Taft had his first view today of that j wonderful piece of niachmeiy on El lis Kland, where the aliens of many countries undergo ilielr first gr;iellin; on the road to Ameiiean cit'zenship. During his Investigation the president sat with Immigration Commissioner Williams in a number i f ininilc; ation appeals As a result of his studies and observations todav. Mr. Taft had leached tonight a pretty definite conclusion con-clusion on three polntb: First, lhat strong effort should tie made to distifoute the influx of foreigners for-eigners and do away with present congest !in in New York. ' Second, that heavier pi'tuilitie.? should be rxatlcd if the steamship companies for infractions of tiie immigration im-migration rules. and conn., to this country to seek a new stnri in .'lie. President Taft look a hand in questioning' ques-tioning' the miner. Thornton's children range in ae from two to nineteen years He cot a ticket for himself and them to Pittsburg Pitts-burg and the party left n a happy I mood. I Should Examine Immigrants. Third, that all male immigrants upon up-on their air.'val here should be examined, ex-amined, as te tbo condition of families left behind in Euieip?. One of the most difficult problems of the immigration immi-gration service has been the separa tlon of fomil ei but the president believes be-lieves Ihe problem can be sohed by requiring immlgrr.nts to tell In ad- j vance whether families left behind are eligible for admission under the lm-rn'gration lm-rn'gration laws. One rf the first cases brought before the president today was that of an Italian woman and four children. The husoond had already arrived in this couuirj There wps some question whether ho could earn enough to support the family. The man deduced he could and the president presi-dent b.ok the same lew. The wife and children were admitted. Aliens Suffer With Flatfoot. Some aliens suffering from flatfoot L.were next. The president declared that while. flatfoot iuU-rferred with a number of occupations, it was possible possi-ble for persons fo afflicted to follow many useful trades, and the flatfootc 1 Immigrants were admitted When Oeorgo Thronton. a Welsh miner, anr his ,even children were called before Commissioner Williams and President Taft there was much excitement around the station. All the under official of-ficial there had taken an interost In j the miner and although ho had hfen disqualified under a physical examl- nation thev sill) hoped that he misht he admitted Ills w'fe died last An gust and he had decided to quit Wales |