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Show The Roy ci oft Store 358 25th Street. Ogden' s Most Popular Men's Store S. H. BROWN! ! CO. i -I I $fe8l - -- n ' Cutting fed Is A JOB. Nobody llkeq It. Why do It? Wo have, chopped corn, wheat and barley, also rolled barley and rolled oats. You can eave all the labor and bvy your feed here. We also haTo the 1 finest of hay and oats. I CHAS. J. GROUT. 352 Twenty-fourth Street. Remember Our store number is 2453 i Washington Ave. Our Tel- ' I : ephoce number is 33. ? i ;; Our delivery system is " l perfect. I ' Onr Dnipr? nro the best ; quality money enn buy. It is to your interest not to for- get us ivhen you want a pre. . ' Rcription filled. 1 WH. DRIVERS SON DRUG STORE Ogdcn's Best Drug Store, 2453 Washington Ave CMIMOPRACTIC KI-RO-PRAK-TIK ANNOUNCEMENT. This is to certify that we, Henry F. Barbarick, D. C, and Miss Jennie Maughan, D. C, Doctors of Chiropractic, have consolidated our offices of Chiropractic, and we are located at 407 Eccles building. We are well oquipped and can give our patients the best of service. The Science of Chiropractic is the most modern method of drugless healing. By our adjustments we remove the cause of disease and nature cures, If you are sick from any acute or chronic disease we can restore you to good health. We can tell you exactly what vour trouble is by our unique method of diagnosis. FREE CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS. To all who will bring this ad to our office this week we will give an expert examination and one Chiropractic. Adjustment free of charge. Th e examination alone is worth $10.00 to you. If you value your health, come and bring others who you know are sick and take advantage of this very liberal offer. If you are too sick to come we can come to you. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 12 m., and 2 to 5 p. m. Rooms 400-7 Eccles Bldg. Ind. phone 3843A. BARBARICK & MAUGHAN, Doctors o5 Chiropractic The I i Fred. J. KSesel Co.. I : I 1 The Pioneer Wholesale I PI r Grocers and Whiskey Merchants ! OGDEN, UTAH i General Agents for PABST MILWAUKEE BEER . and for the I-DAN-HA NATURAL MINERAL WATER j Bottled at Soda Springs, Idaho , .--- ....... ... .,,-..? j.'-.-I. 17r....... t ....... ...... J; i j SOLID SATiiSFACTION "A gloomy look ie Hke a foreboding of III, and a bright face is like good news." Wear PATRICIAN and you will have the bright, cheery countenance coun-tenance which bespeaks foot comfort and shoe satisfaction. PATRICIAN Shoes for Women are so dainty and full of style that they impart a pleasing: consciousness of being well dressed. In the test of wearing; it is found that they retain their original shape until finally discarded, owing to the conscientious workmanship. work-manship. Furthermore, when properly fitted, their adjustment is so perfect per-fect that the wearer 13 entirely free from the numerous littlo ills and ailments due to incorrectly fashioned footwear. &i - 3.50 and 4.00 |