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Show "'KfeJf 1 iflfiii ' llilf f f ; Rll w :'k 1 Tlicre is something exhilarating In being j out in a pouring rain when one is thoroughly thorough-ly prepared and protected. pro-tected. Our rain-proof j coats give that com- j forting leeiing. You should see our line o! Cravenettes and Overcoats. Over-coats. fiUHN'S Modern Clothes SHOP Come on In. Wash. Ave. at 2365 THE UTAH NATIONAL BANK CF CGDEN, UTAH OFFERS TO DEPOSITORS EVERY FACILITY WHICH THEIR BALANCES. BAL-ANCES. BUSINESS AND Rb SPONSIQILITY WARRANT. ..f 1 I It is the I I simplest . j in the world J to make a L i hot biscuit ' I perfectly ! with I P - t '$ Absolutely Pure f 1 y And vhen vj made it is the I V IT u M most dehcious j fcfy of foods. !l ' I ;jj And vou are absolutef' confident A of its absolute " iA vhoie30mene55. M No Alum I Vfa Aro Lime ff m Phosphate U For Constipation A Medicine That Does Not Cost Anything Unless It Cures The active medicinal inerrd'onts of Uexnll Orderlies, which are odorless, tasteless and colorless, is an entlrelv new discovery. Coninined with other extremely valuable Ingredients, it forms a perfect bowel rc gulatoi , Intes tinal Inv'grrator and strenglhen.: r. Rcxall Orderlies are ea'en like candy and are notable for their wgreeahle-ness wgreeahle-ness to the palate and gentleness ot action. They do nut cause griping or any disagreeable effect or inconvenience. inconven-ience. Unlike other preparation. for a like purpose, they do not create a habit, but Instead they overcome the cause of habit acrprrcd through the use of ordinary laxatives." cathartics and harsh physic, and permanently remove re-move i he caiue of constipation or ir-regulnr ir-regulnr bowel action. We will refund your money without argument if they do not do as we say they will. Two sizes. 2."r and K'c Sold onlv at our store The Rcxall Store. T. H. Carr. 'J.'.th and Or.inL THEATRE - Both Phones 323, ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Georgc-McK AY &. CANT WELL-John In their Novel Satire, "ON THE GREAT WHITE WAY." The Manhattan Girl, IRENE HOWLEY, Singing Fun Song. MR. AND MRS ERWIN CONNELLY, In the Dramatic Success of Two Continents, Con-tinents, "SWEETHEARTS." By Sir W. S. Gilbert First American Tour of THE KRAGS TRIO, In Notable Trape6e Novelties. LEM-PUT, European Singing Clown And Impersonator of MuHlcal Instni-ruents Instni-ruents and Various Voices. Wheeling Unlcycle WHEELOCK AND HAY, Cycling Comedians Extraordinary. KINO DROME Latest In Motion Pictures. ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA. PRICES 10c, 26c, 50c. MATINEE WED. AND SATURDAY. GOOD CLOTHES mean a great deal to the particular man the collar must 6et to the neck, the front must keep Its shape, the trousers must hang properly, and a number of other details. We make good clothes at prices that are very ordinary. H. M. VAN DYKE ARLINGTON HOTEL Agency for Kabn Tailoring Co., Indianapolis. U. S. DEPOSITARY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CGDE.N. UTA3 Capttil and Undivided Profit t27 5,000X0 David Eccles, Pren. G H. Trloe. Vice Pre. John Watson, Vlce-Pres. i M. S- nrowning. Vlce-Pres, : I John Plnzree. Cannier. Jas. F. nnrtoa. Asst. Ca.-hler. j I I isftrfjoo poavajo ) ll n.oq q jloqim.jj t issisioonsoiV lVl -twuni 'Moti on jo &aarni jo 1 1 . oajqaini tnocnoi ny jouou I y' I I I ,0'tl'JiJOI'3,ul 'J yj I I. When yea feets l vous. tired, worried or despondent it i a ' surL- si'n a ou need MOTT'S NERVERINE PILLS. They renew the norm.il igor aad j' make life worth living. He sore and ask fcr Mott's Nerverine Pills lli'H WILUAMS MFG. CO., Prop... Cleveland. Ofeo I Badcon Pharmacy, Sole Agents. j J. E. Doo!y, Prestaent Horace E. Peery, Vlce-Pres. Harold J. Peery. Vlce-Pres. Ralph . HOag, Cashier. A. V. Mcintosh. As't. Cashier. HOW TO KEEP YOUR j CLOTHES LIKE NEW j 'jrvj ADILS' or gcntleinon's gar- I V meuts can ba kept In beau- j ? W$y llful condition until woro 2JCfi 0ut v taking frequent ad- i vantage of our dry cleaning aod . pressing service. i Our dry cleaning procosa removes j (be soil and stains from your cloth- 1 Ing, freshens up the fabric, brightens the colors and raises the nap like new. It does not affect the life or . co'or of even the most dainty or delicate deli-cate garments. Every garment or article Is handled In each part of tbo process by skill fill, careful workers. We uso the gen-i,ino gen-i,ino Frencli Dry Cleoalng process of cleaning by spirits and solvents, and etc. To;; skould send our garments to ' us, and take advantage of this ser- j vice No article of men or women'j 1 wear is too dainty for us to dry 1 clean and finish satisfactorily anJ ' our charges re not high. Our pressing service takes out the wrinkles, creasos and other marks of wear. It gives the garments a new Hue shape and Dt It removes all th hapginees In the knees and . elbows, have thoroughly up-to-date equipment equip-ment OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY 00. LAUNDERERS AND FRENCH DRY CLEANERS. Phones 174. -137 25th St j ENGRAVING. REPAIRING H. F. VPP j Jewelry. Cut Glass. Ilanil I Painted Chirm. Etc. j 2476 Grant Ave., Ogden, Utah. 1 1 mm 7i!RF EXCKA3GE 32G 20id street. Wire3 to all tracks on all A Sportinff Eventi l Successor to Allen Transfer Co. J. C. SLADE. Lessee. I I VANS, DRAYS, BAGGAGE WAG- I ONS, PIANO. FURNITURE ANO f SAFE MOVING. I 403 25th St. Both Phones 32! ' (C3 W IP fH 1 M W 1 k ILi s li Irk iA 3 j I FOR THREE DAYS ! II ! j 2C00 Yards 50, 60 and 75c Fancy Silks . ...... 392 j I 10 doz. $1.25 to $1.75 Kid Gloves $8c 50 20 and 25c Handkerchiefs 1 5c, 2 for 2g-C ji 250 pair $2.75 Blankets 2.25 'j 150 $2.50 Umbrellas 4.93 j li 250 LADIES' SUITS ALL SAMPLES AT M ANUFACTURER'S COST. j j 150 LADIES' SKLRTS-ALL SAMPLES AT MANUFACTURER'S COST. ij j 225 LADIES' COATS-ALL SAMPLES AT MANUFACTURER'S COST. ! 225 CHILDREN'S COATS-ALL SAMPLES AT MANUFACTURER'S COST. j j 150 RAINCOATS-ALL SAMPLES AT MANUFACTURER'S COST. . I J 250 LADIES' SILK AND WOOL PRINCESS DRESSES, FROM 20 TO 25 PER CENT. OFF. j LAST THOMAS j KEEY YOUR EYE ON ' ' THE GEM MEAT CO. I 2323 Washington Avenue. We handle only U. S. Inspected Meats Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday f3 lb. pail, 50. PURE LARD j 5 lb. pail, SO. 1 |