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Show SUGGESTIONS OF SWISS FORESTER Washington, Oct 19. In a recent communication to Consul I). I Murphy, Mur-phy, SL Gall. Switzerland, the District Forester of the Canton of St. Gall con I veyed a message of sympathy on ac I count of the forest fires in the United Unit-ed States and made suggestions upon the subject of torest fires. In forwarding the recommendations to this government, Consul Murphy said: "The suggestions which, although elemental In some cases come from a I man who has spent his life In the Swiss forests, and are worthy of pro-feiind pro-feiind consideration " Among the Swiss forester's cautions are these: No dead timber or brush should be permitted to accummulate but should be gathered up and burned in wet weather. Kxtenslve forest area should have cut through them at regular inter- i vals open ditches tilled with water. ! Railroads running through forests I .should b foiced to equip their engines en-gines with efficient spark arresters. N.i grass or bushes should be permitted per-mitted along the line of any forest. I ;iid forest wardens should be employed, em-ployed, thoroughly Instructed and kept on constant duty In the lorohis. I The act ml forest area of Switzer-I land is 2 2nr...0P acres or over one- ; fifth the entire surface of the conn-i trv and one of the laws is that "the foreft nrea of Switzerland shall not , be diminished." j |