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Show oo RICHMOND ANGERED BY GOTHAM "PLUM' SYSTEM (V. B. A. Starr Special.) NRYV YORK Part of New York is talking about seceding! Ever hear of the Borough of Richmond Rich-mond ' It's part of New York better bet-ter known as Slaten Island. Slaten Islanders are inad 'because the city administration In passing out plums, from public offices to parks, has been overlooking their borough. Out of New York' u,620,04S people, tho Borough of Richmond has in.- 631. It s nearly as hirge as Salt Lake City, Fall River or Des Moines, In area Richmond Is bigger than tho Bronx and almost as large as Brooklyn, covering 09 square miles. Btaten Island was annexed to New York City, along with Brooklyn th-Bronx th-Bronx and Queens county, in l n v . on |