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Show I PI-FIEHTIi j I I METHODS GIVEN ! I ! TO FORESTERS j U. S. Inspector Directum Fire ( Prevention Addresses Dis- j trict Officials !. I'" I orations in national (oreMa lo a point J j V whpt o m n and equApjialnl can be J j placed upon the scetoc of a fire with- I !l fj four houm alto,- a foresi fire lias i . IsiiiV 4 IB started, la ths objeci toward which II j the L'nlted Statcc department of tor- ( m strv is striving, according t.. Major ! Evan W Ki II: o( Washington, D. C i i In charge of fire protection work or 'A j he gn crnnipnt. 1 i Major Kell) addressed u meeting i of supervisors of the Intertnountaln 1 1 j . "j district of Ihc forest service, at theM j dogles' dub. i J Me was Introduced .is ihr speaker I 'I ,i ostrda morning's seesfbn oj liw-l ft !l irlrt Foreste r M. S. Benedict, S 1 - j Vi ' tooth national forest who n-tr.l h j I j! chairman. I mini OKI "i i IRES. g , in ill a'fldWss lo Ihe fori tera hi jH ! 5 t forth in a comprehensive manint j ijft , ;a ih- historj ol roresi fin-. !m the I, H 11 farell service wa. first forged. :. H lfl When the service rS ClTert organ-) I ki izni its aim was conservation of the M VI notion's remaining timber supply. Th- f9 l! same ideal exists r.i present. Iuirlngij ft - j! the first few yeans of lite forest ser- J 'ft ice. disastrous flrei occurred in r- j . ft 1 ions parts f thi I 'Mte. I States. The'jj ' 'IS very occurrence of the flrei v. a - I fl 1 u i id i in to the service at tn.-t time for j I ,1 It nffcrerl definite problems whl.h M must be solved before bfdtectlon of I 11 4 forests from fire conic be ceoni-; 'jj 1 ; pjlshed. b XV;'M f!l" handling i 'ft of fires, various preventative meth-1 1 1 oiis of tomhattlnv them were put Into 9 A jjj effect. To dale I hi forest service j . tft If ; has reached a hlKh poirit of attain-), tft 'j ment. hut there Is ample room even B .J j at present for nearly unlimited nn- ft Ijijj provement, he said, ft ; ; Every phase of foresi development; 'fl sfith regaros to tlreA NSSh method of I V handling flies with - Sped to oQnd t.S : tktng and clrcumstajtoea. and, in fact, j ; B , n geheral reume of the entire fore,' t jiB ; Ijjfi fire situation as It confronts the for - fH W) el official?, was set forth t.y Major i i m : 6vais Major Kelly emphai . d -lie fa. t ' 'w 'i!lfl thai forest l h. s reached H inn Plnl wliere the organlraliow rrmst be "tIH Nllfl aJle to guarnttlee agaitisl repetition ''i'M 'H of serious con flagrat lona. v'h n ser- ,i'0 ' I lous fires occur, ttlr cabBes il hB be ascertained and analyzed, and the iir! eolutin.i pf that particular problem piny should be applied in other forests UjjjjJ t.j i where similar conditions exist, the In- llli 'I ' Bpector B M k i i mi i t.t i KI i - I :B During coming seasons (jhei poll I i it of the for. sf BTvlee will be to con-; 11 i I'jfi due; (t detailed inquiry following a 3'H E 1 forest fjre. he stated, to deterrnlne ,);. !,i 8 whether or not the supervisor in IBllllV ig '; '1 'i harge of the burned area, or thi KijI Hlfl ranger for that district, had crtrefijll H n , nl. server! ret.i.it i. . f the forefcl .1 H I,' H I the niatter of fin proloetion. iiiiiflhl' I if .Not only will the supervisors and i ) rangers br called to a count, but in I H event of a man-ioade fire, the parties Hl: s : responsible for the setting of the fire H' 1 ij win be proseeuted on el'her a Timi-j H ; mil or u charge. H)'' Prior 10 last season, the average h t3 npmber of ptan-made fires amounted IIbbbbbbI " tm ' ' I lo " ' " 1'' se.ion. I-ist yenr an es- H iliiiiVjin'f prevention was taken up Va the re- f suit, hut t3 man-made forest f tres ' Hi ,1 occurred. Of this number, thlrteau I H , cases were successfully prosecuted I definite policy regarding forest i H 1 1 lookout stations was adopted at the j H ; I meetinp. L'ndef the new policy for-' Hl f ii eat lookonts will no longer b'x,l H J j J i cabins on creeks in the valley, while I H I I their Stations an situated on Ihe Hope H 1 at peaks. Building of eomfortahie H living quarters t the lookout peal.. H i1 and presence f,f the kokout at his H II Post for 21 hpurp a day. Is provided! H I 'for. under the new policy If neces-j j ! isary. It wa. Stated, wood and water; H will l.c carried ut lh mountain to i H I the lookout. Hi- provisions will be j H j carried to him. His lookout station1 H for detecting forest flree. I I SB M . Mi ORK. H .Matters pertaining to the foresi ser- vlt-e fish and game departmem were, taken up at the afternoon session.! H wi'h Supervisor Emile r;randjean of H the Boise forest leading the discus-' A policy, practically the sain" as H last year's, tending towards coopora-; H tion between Ihc forest ga.m depart- H ment and slate fish and game depart-I H ment. was adopt i H Forest ra&gera In Utah and Idaho. H it was pointed out, are special deputy H same wardens, without pay for this sejvlcc. Ismm enfor i . I co- H operation, together with assisting in H j 'he establishment of game preacrves, H restocking streams with ftaih, and similar activities of the service, H j ia-ttentlon called to the rapid B I development of fish and game asso- H ilalions in L'tah within the last two H years. At the time v.ner. the forest H Service Started a ampalgn along these H lines, the Weber County Rod and B fin association wa. the only prote - H tive association in the district. It was H ald. At there fifteen H siicji organisations, and their popular- H IW is rapidlv spreading throughout H and Idaho. Another Important feature of the B afternoon session was dlSCUSSfOn ..f 1 forest serMc,. an.l bureau of puhlic 1 roads work in building roads. Closest H cooperation between these two federal L department was ursjed and both Iis-I Iis-I ,r"t Forester v H. Rutledge and DIs- i ,n" Enalneer B j rinch of the local I ' Y bureau bf public roads, spoke on the H subject of cooperation. Their talks isHIIIH lliSLiL Wlre followeJ by discussion of plans H wheret.y cooperative projects of (he I . i U ,w" '" i- . ild be perfei ted (.i i sis t TArr: H The visiting superrors and vana-"T vana-"T wrre guests at a dance on Fndav H Ditht, which was given at the K of H f- hal1 on Grant avenue. The cven- H Jng wa-s Kpmt In danelnjr and cards. H Mlattict office employes were horns for H Because the program of the super- H visors was not completed Saturday an isllllllH Ifflfr ''tra session will he held Monday It H Is expectij thvt the business befora H the SUperVtaors can be completed H then N, special plans for kh H entertainment was eariied out la.' evening hut visiting supirvior ami -ra.ng.rr., for the ETeaier part, span) H the evening with friends from the dlf- H triet headquarter. |