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Show BAKER SHIELDS SECRETS OF IS Bars Investigators Tryincj to Examine Archives of War Department WASHINGTON, (Tab. 12. A resolution resolu-tion which Is expected to shift the con-ure-wlonal investigation of the conduct Of the Wat Into a m v flgld was introduced intro-duced today by Representative Flood. I Democrat, VlrRlnla, number of the n ral Investigating body. The resolution called on Secretary Baker for all facts connected with the application of J. M Hill and C, G. Llrtdpey "for permission to Inspect the ret archives of the war department jand the refusal of the department to. craiit such permission." III. '.( KM l!i IIELD AIM. j The two werv employed by an in-veMK'ator in-veMK'ator wl " wis e:np:- . .. b the I Johnson mb-commUtee, and not directly di-rectly by tho conimltlee. th- chairman I explained. A voiiohir of $2. tun for; lb. lr work, or part of It, made out In n ih.L rmiilnvrr in held by Chairman Ireland of tlic house I committee on accounts and has not been paid. Their mimes were brought before the general Invcbtltfatlng committee last June. Mr. flood, In denying I charges then by Republican members that the war department's altitude was unfavorable to the ln i sURaUon, declared de-clared the onl- rifusal was In the case iof Hill and Llndsey, who were seeking certain .-cen t record! containing the I settlement of contracts. This action, ho chttraed. was' -taken after ih w-partment w-partment authorities lad found that their real purpose was to obtain money mon-ey from a newspaper for Information supposed to be on file nnumi; v v.-rn-niont records "In the event they wire unable to obtain a larRe sum through blackmail " i M l N -.! s (ir fNQl CRIES CHalrman Ireland In the house this week criticised the cxpenaituro oi large sums by Investigating committees, commit-tees, declaring he had seen "no real application of concrete results'" from the war invesilgUUons and that his committee undoubtedly would have disapproved many of the contracts bad It known about it. H was Indicated tonight that another resolution bearing bear-ing on the case would be introduced Monday. In his statement to tho committee, which he made public today. Mr Flood said Hill and Landsey went to the war department with a b iter from Samuel T. Anscll, former acting Judge advocate general or the army, counsel fur the Johnson sub-commlttce. |