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Show MM , TP TJ Tl 3 Tailored p?j ssi Clothing yM$ That ' WfflB 3 ittigned for you and with WM kpnce wears a iong timfc ij "oj-ifl mills have lowered the price of woolens and we i5j received the new spring patterns. You can 5itrai! i lat new sP"ng suit tailored to your meas- ?, a rock-bottom price. 3! $25 to $50 inn UNION MADE IflU garment is tailored to your exact measure. Mill bo110? guarantee of nt, wear and shape hold- ) I Z oes h every Went- Let us show lodaCW fabrics e new Gtyles and tne ncw JrVJ "iW il V r III Jill 'Wfl tdi MSm OnHt fessional Tailors ifStfl ,Avenue hV Alhambra Theatre BL0! BENNETT, Manager iff j 0BYER f4t JWUfi TIMlfi' Eversharp ! 1 1 MAIL 7 I sill j wsnsx You ALWAYS pay LESS at Mclntyre's. A few spe- I jSkl I c'a's are stet here; there are many more at the store. I S5wl i) C'nlyre customers are never overcharged. I i.-i : 3 for 39c I? a ' k ' '' ' ' f ' ' D '''''''luiir'lc'' I 1 Sy!i I B I 1 ' 1 L I I. V Hnne and Al no ?M0 Mentholaiuni. qq I H "f T fT mon.l Cream Special . jC Sp. - I . 5"C I H H n IPi N e'" Mulslfled Cocfrlnut in 50c Mentholatum. An m 8 LhiaLu i g oi 4yc special 4Zc I B il j 8 m ,,i. .i t,, .. r H ?? Pinkham's Vegetable 25c Mentholatum. oi SSb Ikh Lsfl 1 1 "nd - 10c 8 1 i;;z:r $1.00 21c 1 1 SES3ESSSOS7 ---vr--" i n' Castoria ot '" Java R,ce Al H H a!k' V. e-.al OJC Powder. Special . 4ZC M JTjjcai.ff. J i ',, -,, ). (1 lO TV-p-oden. Tooth Ac Rj , Renular 15c y ffl Sji- clal . I';-'. sp. ,..1 4C I Hj 11 HaST lOtS I I Mclntyre's RoHer Bird Seed, 25c 1 1 I L TOY Z5C g M II ! I I MM IW f 35C Tree Tea I I For Her Valentine ' 'j pound part;.. y,.- f Whitman's . 'BRa g . I I All Lhe leading makes -. :. s Huyler's. Johnston's. . s-kJj.'-t '' i " JL a Shupp-Williams'. K 'k ! bbbbbI stir d w mm m t rrI - ' '1 $1.00 Mary Garden 75c Mary Garden I I JT FACE POWDER TALCUM POWDER I pwj 9 iwtftTz L TJ it U , 8tays on; is delightfully ad- A dressing-table dainty that B Mm I 9 J y lorent. imparting that youth enjoys highest favor with die W K H I JL J d B lul ''f'nloxlon Al 77 I eiimjnatinc women AQgt I M N j ' Jy ,Vl'rvwnere 40C I g R,B I I l SprmgCleanuplI I H j Linen W K I ijfJiv Kafin's Cedar Oil will brighten your old fur- I H N r 1 Mi vfe? lijst-and hardwood floon Restores thai orlg I I STATIONERY I 1 f l Vn WnBI innltuster of newness. Ofs results with very I Bf Uft A riialit pap. r L' I -beet- 9 U ftr IHI !iu' rUDDn' A t ime. labor and money saver. H I L and L'l . nseloji. .- .mi .-al.- fi K J II I L'se II on your piano or Vlctrola. rt flU H I Mon.i.-. and Tu daj 07 I f i - Oeneroua elze DUt j) D only LlC H fcu ., , Wjr,tsssssMggirai I ssssBSBSBmaaBtmtKautmf j mm sum 1 1 i 1 ihmiimi sssiBsssssssssBBssssm I ! -'- 1 1 I SBiL tfVlil Isf "f"'1c All -Year Pleasure ,. f D "jp U rUUAr And Pastime '''' JT' I z??1555 Sn ip beautiful .-now pictures In all the KM' yl!'! V M rT-iB WOrld no SHOW subjects like those o be jj Kvi kfi'J M I' f? If had in Ftnb. '.e. a picture -tory the Hj 'Tryr: 9 W E pJI Kodak is the thine. Let our -pcri wBk rT x't' ' A ! i ' pi )5pj (L'i y. ii -ei. . .. I-'. o- - j-Vf JjL I m IMllHss'-!rf 'i.e.; jour in.liUdual n .pni etii.ni - (I H XSHMj .'A, Readjusted lower prices on all Eactman I Sy s7Zj f ' IfH M Kodaka Kodal BrownU f2M and , -)lSp U B lttil I H' O'.her Kodaks $8.00 ?.nd up U ! i & ''X - KODAK finishing. DEVELOPING, I - r cfPJs l' V -I ' 1-JBB&&3lJ&m PRINTING AND ENLARGING. GET g . j '- ,)tTl IK ! ' MftVT'iitF' MclNTYRE SERVICE nl J'iJ-' B wttHfl0Lr fj Films left with us before 8.30 .1. m., fin- I H H K S ! I 2!L Of ished at 5:30 p. m. same day I ptikFillYniirfl ! I PreSCriptlOnS J Z Commercial Photography j I H Here la a service based on I Let us take a snap snot 0f y0Ur home, building or factory. Our 3 v long experience and system fc H epcrts w,n get best results. A postal card or phone call will j ' y r.vi i with accuracy first as our r. N brmg our photographers any time any place. Moderate prices, g H at motto. We fill your presenp. M E jg iffl Hj correctly and accurately. L SrmiaWBKBMSMWBBSOBBBKBtKKBBtKOBtBtiBW 13 B With four graduate and reg- i .pr-rrigF"BBBBB,BB,,BBBBMBBBB1BBBBB,lc; 19 B Istered pharmacists of exper fc H lence and the largest cind t rj TI?I TQF' tit freshest stock of pure drugs IB JTVkjOI-iO I I S.T. ErrSSKd6.':: i Abdominal Belts, Kabo Maternity Corsets and ou H highest possible degree of I Elastic Hosiery, at Our No. 2 Store I perfection. I .;,,,..,, attendance gjjyifiaft .SBfcjtssW H Two Mclntyre Stores chol ''"- "' to .Serve You I On sale at our No. 2 store, Twenty C5 sirar H B p Shop at Your Nearest 1 fifth and Washington Avenue s3appF r j store no. i "j; JJIq Ijitv Te S I store NO 2 ' Bl 4th and Washington Ave. I I 25th and Washington Ave. JmB.J1 j y to I TWO STORES I f B |