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Show II I j Valentine Day i 1 1 j Here Tomorrow; j Are You Ready? I T By ROSK ANN ASTIM, Are you of the ma?culIno sex? HlLVfl you a (rlrl? May bo it's about timc you were looking for a valentine for her. j There arc scores and scores of llieni In almost every store In town and you ! on n't think of disappointing hi r tOl ' minute. Besides you boys have the advantage this season for your own 1 rights have been fully rest ored . "j Wasn't lust year leap year V And didn't the women and the Klrls run everything with a high hand and to suit themselves? Perhaps you even j critically observed that they tangled 'hlngs up dreadfully too? But uny-way, uny-way, whether they did or didn't, they j arc expecting you to exert your rights. li ve simply got to give that best j girl of yours a Valentine. J - There are heaps and heaps of (hem H 1 everywhere. Some of then are fash- ioned on soft toned paper with high 1 .stilted work of love, others with col- ored figures and hits of paper hi, and still others with sejups of colored rlb-bon rlb-bon and tiny hearW. Some may even ' brag of highly ppllsbed gold edge 1 while others are scalloped and polnud m the extreme fashion. Bui however the modern nlentfm may look, each and every one pleads the same cause, "Will you be my valentine"" Perhaps some fortunate author has affixed a fragment of vers- vvliitli only pleads 1 the cause further. 1XOTHI R KIND j Although several hours of care, pa-! j tience and thought have been put Into j the workmanship of the modern ll- J entine. still it may not be emphatic j enough to prevail upon the heart ofi the young lady. Maybe if the young 1 gentleman in question would wander j j Into a confectionery store and pur- i chase her a box of chocolates, the1 cause would gain still further tnoxnen-1 tnm. Perhaps in time' the onnghi r may prove to her thai then- are other 3 kinds of kisses, besides candy ones. , ( Thus the oldest valentine that the wiirld has known OQines hark into its own, hearts exchanged in a kiss. 1 I Ixtvers of the modern days are of H ! .is many numerous types as the mod- I ern valentine and each will plead his , love in his own way. The deep think- 'j er who is more concerned about thi I future of his love, yet who gives all thoughts to her, win probablj write something like the following sum I VERSE 5 "Sunny be th springtime with sweel- J est flowers, 1 Brighter yet tho summer with Its gol- den hours, ij And when autumn s twilight 'round -J thy path is drawn, J llope be near to whisper ' dawn.'' j The more dramatic lover will quote, l the following Uriel j "The roses were whispering of you I k now, As they nodded and Smiled on the For they dropped their shimmering petals down. I To you, my own sweet Valentine." j With fifteen years behind him. the, j boyish lover will plead his cause thus:' I "Dear lassie, would you be a queen? j Then say you'll he my own. I'll crown you with a crown of love; .1 Ify heart shall be vonr throne." I And even the kids will remember the day for St. Valentine's seems to be I as popular a holiday with them as any other holiday in the year Girls will' busy themselves with red paperv col-! ored pictures, scraps of ribbon and the paste pot. while the boys, sole posses-j sors of one solitary valentine, are li-cussing li-cussing amopg themselves when will he the favored lass. Then thut the best girl won't br s'.lghu-d the youth-j ful lover will laborously write on a' scrap of paper the expression of his' thoughts similar to the following: ' "Roses are red. violets are blue. Sugar is sweet ind .so arc you." Perchanco the girl In question will returiihls advances with a cold stare and an Insignificant shrug and the ardorous amor will turn to enraged dignity and the second advance msli I be w ritten something like this: "Grass is green, hopes are blue. lcmons are sour, and so are you' Just why February 14 has been dedicated to St. Valentine's is not known, for history shows that the life of this saint was dedicated to the work of, God It Isn't likely that ho can be easily accused of writing love-songs love-songs to his sweetheart for ho was one qf the early bishops of Home and suffered martyrdom at the hands of (the enemies of Christianity, It Us the common belief that St. Valentine's day is the Christianised form of a pagan celebration held during the month of February In honor of Pan and Juno. These feasts were known ;os the feasts of Lupcrcalla. originator of the Idea. At this time it was the custom of ' young men to Select from a box the I name of 8 lady and during the ensuing ensu-ing year his attentions were paid to no one else but this lady. At the close of this yar he was given the opportunity oppor-tunity to .draw again. F.arly Christians Chris-tians tried to abolish this custom by repluclng the names of women with the names of saints. Gradually the custom of drawing partners by lot was no longer followed and the present pres-ent dny girl and boy exchange their valentine greetings in no other way than on elaborately decorated cards It's a holiday worth having, although al-though there isn't much definite history his-tory behind Its name. It's lots of fun. too, to leave love tokens for the best; girl on her desk or In her mull box. j And although she says she can't think i w ho it could be from, it's ninety-nine out of a hundred that she knows. |