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Show JNCOLN AT l BANQUET w manciPitor B , .ham I .inc oln as the A president of the ?,. fid homage la JV!' annual Lincoln s HbK V t''" Ken r ,ru' V ' r U1 .b ind the Wo- P ""Hub of WebT P ueber tlub. The BJ 'Vad ov men and KiLrfhe "oi'nty and of the Haftf" re Mrs J A HOW-.V'.vmlMreS!. HOW-.V'.vmlMreS!. Thomas K den of the I tah stn ruBr Volley, chairman ... HP. rtnor "l an,l ( arl A. duvcred BfP- J'ld''"-:'. Iho banquet he e : ' ' v. number of K'''c ;, the Bhlla.i- i '0 "d of Jed Ballad-k;;SP'.n.. Ballad-k;;SP'.n.. herald K.omp V- Introduced Mrs M", ?rolreM making lu '5" ,2ld that ihe event thi 4Wsrr lh timely, relating 'B"1 tSCn of 'he prodigal son - ' .. v, lt nil..- 1 ' -!! f 80 raanv repentant m who am. bm k ijMtli foid last Novem- flBWPrrS belief that eight y H' VPm1he r-art, had taught kMOn Whkh lht' 3Bpw' b(, drinking of the jaHfciStU1 10 a thJlt pe not ; o-ie HPri.it.i oi - oi- iLB? "to our president from ERl?di" to and Including m -' " M. '.o 'f:t ..atlot. the man fiih -world from slavery nd mP"L-.w: of Washington, l.iu- Al . ... WOOLLY M'l.MiS 2W,Jr. Arthur Woolly of he liRSwJl wa e first speak- RvViJ no: one for conversion of thi Kepu "" in PoUtl al '. Thar pell phases did K-E,. in'.c ' II lavHaSn wiih' th'- county anu r,if'3Ci- ' Kjj jkmlnlfirjMon about to be KV0vrb't i it v.,.t iiemon.-ti.il- K V 'Kh Kepubib K) ,nd s'.r fhtt tlmH h..r , Jr-M"1'0 '". aJiUOflt Xt;r Tv' 'luestlon w the matter E; 'if ' I ie who have I Kj,. ih life of Un. oln and I that life should be , frj BC. : ' ' 'ham Lincoln i . - IBtt bt thf- pnulisr property of Jmba par" UlcHKj, exclusive poneMlon JX. K M the Itf and achie ements I (:;i!er of our part. as reas. ,m Kicn.'lDuance uf the cunfldnn. ? ''BKrt of the electorate, bu' with I lliitB1" - 1 ' llni " " rt I lIlljML., -t In other presl- d'tr1 to concede h partial )n- pjb tbr fjTe-J l.erituce o' Btb nation at large. I W)(. IM.MUKTALs c: ' om tbu perspective of K,b(i btliie cUlmed by those K&ieu;. M. i- Lelng n u:n I"-. ' Bkli Iciii.rirl.ii- of ai! the W orld Pet emunclpator In named with fcueor'iufrers. His wit Is quot-, onJ BCi tic pro. . rb" imI his w isdom H dflVp-:'ophr .1,. hitch and n ' thftt " rrlf " ' (1 1 ' i UICJ mnVt honest) nr.- 'mi!!;'. . . I'kl11''4'""1 ''' ''"''' 'o ) U;Bl(' to h)f memory in that AflK.'1 W' gathered to tBoi, to paraphrase hla own 9 ''' our jiMr powei ftt't ProuJ to , an: blm with JJ: America gift to the Val- or:d. e hail him.' .lie Sublime ' " brief .tatemeDt re- , Wct)m.Unce!. surrounding tl 1 j ,K5i',!tcb Mr Ber tha Eccles iaOJ llr!te' l speech which h-iR b- udeflijE. is hi hi. iJEilr,of thaiiKfulnes for the! ML- ,MiiiMUU;"-lvn b I ; om 5HK4 wl, - President of the ftah 1 nnnWlIW), d"'',r''d ,,,at 'nWiwKgJ.nome and meet with no alp W'Z "tator raid that I J, ?.re kenly reullzccJ the I d Uenshlp than now. i mStol T h U WM1 that we jnt,"Tnen ,,ke Lincoln. I SILm IIow ln 'heir foot-1 would have the confidence of his i friends in all of his uots. BADGfCR SPE IKS In Introducing Carl A Hadger. the chief speaker of the evening, Mrs Howell spoke of the fact thnt Mr Badger was a candldutc for the Ke-puhlican Ke-puhlican nomination for governor hii.i added that It could be Said of him I that he is oupr and oppoi tunltl.-s are 'many before him. He was pictured aa the type of man this country needs, 'the Abraham Lincoln type of man." The speaker In responding to this Introduction, humorously called atlen-itlon atlen-itlon to the point that he had at lssi 'been nblo to reach Into the Weber 'county lc-le(r;iilon." That the attempt should be made I "to discover what Abraham Lincoln's I life mean.s to us lu shaping our lives Was the lnilil !ev expressed b Mr l.iui'-r 'The world la t.eiti-r today Ithan ever before This is because we test men and women and Judge them not by what they profess to admire but by What they d lie added that It whs the timt to w.ilk in hl ways, to .i under chahgod condlhoha the hlng.- h,. snid rite v lew ol Lin. oln S Oettyaburg speech w;.n gnen that "he w.ts attempting to Impress on his hearers that thev :.r1oiill themselves ser.s What these n.eu who struggled on that battleflold had struggled foi and should live tq show that they fell this." "it has been less than sixty years since slnery, that men and women upheld up-held slavery with blbli.Ml texts as a sacred institution," said tu: speaker. 'Abraham Lincoln's remarkable feature Of life was that be dug to the foundation of fundamental, moral principle of every question," he said In comparing bis views and actions with those of louglas, who. he said, was especially noted for his adroitness, rather than his direct nctlon. In milking milk-ing t'nlp comparison several of the Lincoln-Douglas debates were cited. "Lincoln's great claim to om admiration ad-miration ia his moral integrity. ' he said It was his unwillingness to trifle with the great questons of life, his glad acoaptance of thai which makes life worth while, that then- is right and wrong to the big thin .i life and that he is a slave to the right, si 'HEME EX MPI.l "Lincoln is the supreme example of the man who didn't think ot how things w.i:ii personally affect him." Illustrating tills point, tnc speaker told of Lincoln's taking Into the cabinet such men as Sc-ward, Chase and Stanton, Stan-ton, men w ho had opposed him but in whose character and patriotism he h d confidence KTe car. have born again in our Leans an abiding auruiralton for this grea; man and we can 'follow ln his footsteps.' " he said. Heniy Watterson's tribute to Lincoln's Lin-coln's aumor eras tead by the speaker. speak-er. In further Illustration of his life. Mr. Badger relating many Incidents to show the character of the great American and closing with the tribute that "the supreme gift of America to the world Is the life, the words, the death of Lincoln. " |