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Show I ! KCTll 'i' ; OF MINE BATTLE Telephone Girls Assert They Heard Threats to Kill Guards I WILLIAMSON. W. Va.. Fob 12. Excited and confused with plstoln and i rifles popping on every Ride. l.hn M. -jS ! ' Dowell. one of the Baldwin-Felts defectives de-fectives who battled with the - lttz n J ot Malewan May 10. testified today he fired throe shots at K' ' rham-1 rham-1 Bers a defendant and fled whli. b J n of his comrades and threo towns-DOuple towns-DOuple lay dead. McDowell wan the flrt witness called at the trial of 1" Mat. in men 1 Indicted In connection with the cleat n 1 "of Albert C. Felts, leader of "he de-f-jm tietlves He was followed hy two : 4 i ....... .. ...,-v Mav Chaflh. a II nieco of Roece Chambers, and Elslfl ' Chambers, his dniffhter. Dl Tl I TTVl ' STOUY. 1 McDowell s;inl he h.i.l eOP 1 Die detectives to ovlet trom htflii-. 1 owned by the St. te Mountain, Coal J company at Matewan. sever.il ioj 1 and their famine-. While WW JVlc- i tlons were In progress, McDowell re- 1 called that Albert Felts hart WM.-n C. 1 C. Testerman. mayor, and ld I.H.it- 1 field, chief of police, accompanied bjr a purtv of men coining their v Felts, the witnesses testified, told j so me of the men to get th'.r Runs 1 and they did. The mayor protested to 1 f'etts who unswered that he had ample ; 1 Authority. To which Testerman ro-1 1 Milled: "Well you don't poll anything H 'like thai and pet away with U down if Here." SBOOTIXG m in tl , When ihe eviction ended and t'..e 1 men were preparing la leave, Hatfield 1 old Felts warrants for then- a it. It i had been sworn out In Williamson, McDowell was not clear M to '3 Mio shooting started or who fired the 'j Clrst shot. He said firing- was rrohig I 'JI 1 on all around him. but the only man & ' hi saw shooting was Reece Ch imbers. 4 McDowell, according to his testimony. 'M "Jred three shuts at Chambers ..prt ; 1 then crossed ovor Into K fltu k; Ful-1 M .'1 100 aho's were fired, he said. GIRLS Tt si 1 1 "I . j M i , Miss Chafln was on duty in 1 he- 8 telephone exchange, she ;etlfled. She J heard Sid Hatfield til Ton? Webb. ' . who was chief depntj sheriff, and i' jl i a-Ked him when arrant , could be 3 Obtained for the arrest of the detac-- detac-- lives. She further testified thai she ;4 leard Hatfield tell Webb. Mil I cthe bef..r, tl.- k" .nit of 9 i aiatcwan." Miss Chambers testified W to substantially the same thing. |